Manasvi !!!

Yes that’s what this post is going to be about. I last wrote in Dec 2019 and since then it’s been 14 long months of falling more in love with you, every passing day.

But for you I wouldn’t have expressed this even today so thanks a bunch for motivating me to write again. You came in my life as an angel & have ever since been inseparable from my thoughts, actions as well as daily routine. Life with you is just so lovey dovey, cheerful and exciting. I had no clue how your influence would change me in so may ways and bring out the best in me.

Looking at myself today, I am completely awestruck by improvements which I have had in terms of my actions, thoughts, behaviour, perspectives, principles and spiritualism. It’s been an all round much needed overhaul for me.

We haven’t had a single fight or resentment in all this while is monumentous and all the credit goes to you. Love, Happiness, Positivity, Care & Comfort, Partner First Approach, Unending Support, Trust, Respect, Honesty, Strong Spiritual Beliefs are few of the many fundamental pillars of our relationship.

When I look back and ponder that we have had an arrange marriage, it is hard to digest. I feel as if I have known you for longest of times and that we have been soulmates living in isolation for all these years. The transition has been so smooth and our journey together has been so fulfilling that I consider myself to be truly blessed to have a life partner in you.

You are a pure soul with a heart of gold. I have never seen you sulking or cringing or complaining for anything at all. No demands – No expectations You virtues and value system are unmatchable and incorruptible. I love you so very much and wish and pray that you remain the same forever. I am tremendously fortunate and lucky to have a wonderful soulmate guiding me in all aspects of life. With you besides every moment of life is beautiful, contended and worthy of living.


Love you Now, Forever & Always…
