Deshna !!!

7th Jan 2022 – we were 38 weeks pregnant, almost any time due and nearing the end of 3rd trimester. Distinctly remember, it was mom’s 53rd B-day as well and after having spent the entire day and evening with her, I headed to my in-laws – 2 buildings away. Clock had struck 10 p.m. in the night and that it was our hour of being together and going for a routine walk with both mommy as well as baby to be. I would kiss the tummy and feel your kicks almost every single day. My little angel was growing up and almost set to come out and experience the world with us. That day – the moment I saw Manasvi, she was not able to stand, nor able to sit, nor able to walk, nor able to lie down.. she was in pain and I felt as if we were nearing the deadline and was shit scared. Knowing how risk averse I am, I quickly took decision of getting Manasvi hospitalized. Did not want to wait till last moment especially at dead end of the night and therefore rushed back home, took the car keys, called up our gynacologist, took the bag of essentials that we had anticipated which would be required during child birth and checked in to Sankalp Hospital at 11 30 p.m. Signed and completed all the formalities only to hear from head nurse that still it will take time for baby to come out.

I did not want to go back home but had to as my mother-in-law accompanied my wife – only 1 patient could wait at the hospital. Couldn’t sleep obviously as wanted to be available any moment for any thing which could possibly come up. That night was so scary – infinite thoughts, restlessness, constantly thinking about and praying for well being of both Mayana and Baby, anxiety of new responsibilities as a dad and a parent, and many more weird thoughts kept ringing continuously in my head for entire night. It was probably one of the toughest nights that I have had in my life.

Cut to the chase, it was already 6 30 a.m. and got a call from my mother-in-law. Doctor had arrived and summoned us to be present in hospital asap. I coordinated with my father-in-law and he instructed me to go ahead and said he will also reach shortly at hospital. I reached hospital by 6 30 a.m.. I held Manasvi’s hand and she was in unbearable pain. We waited for 15 to 20 mins and the lady doctor was waiting for our final go ahead. She wanted quick confirmation as baby had already pooped inside and it was risky to wait for long as it could have complicated things. Had to act fast and take the decision. Almost cried, signed off waiver form and gave doctor permission to take Manasvi to Operation Theatre. She assured me that she would go for normal delivery first and only if needed do a C-Section based on situation at hand.

Had a little spat of words with my father-in-law when he arrived at 7 o clock but quickly both of us calmed down and started chanting Navkar Mantra’s in our mind. (That’s what we do whenever we expect the results to be out 😉 )

At 7 : 35 a.m. on 8th Jan 2022 finally doctor came out and told us both mother and baby are safe and that it was a normal delivery and she rushed back to OT. All of us were relieved and the very next moment we were congratulating each other.

After 10 mins, head nurse came out, my little angel had been wrapped in green colored cloth. She announced to us that it was a Baby Girl and first reaction cum reflex action of mine was to find myself softly chanting Navkar Mantra in her tiny ears. As soon as I took her first photograph in my phone, nurse took my baby back to OT and kept her in oxygen for 15 minutes. My In-laws left for home as things were under control and I quickly buzzed my parents, who were also on their way to the hospital and gave them the good news. Clock struck 8 a.m. and surprise-surprise! Shrey also came back from his tour a day in advance and all of us had first glimpse of our little princess together.

From Day 1 to now 15 months old already – time just flew. Each and every moment of each and every day has been so so so so so special. I just can’t express all of it in words. I have never experienced this joy ever in my entire life time so far. Just watching her innocence and each and every new milestone that she achieves makes me and entire family so happy and blissful. The way she cutely calls Dada, Dadi, Nana, Nani, Papa, Mummy, Kaka, Bhabhi, Mami (Masi) and Ariha, the way she smiles, the way she cries, the way she wakes up in morning, the way she does chap chap while bathing, the way she started crawling on 4 legs, the way she resists for maalish at times, the way she tries to stand on her own feet, the was she munches draksh, the way she eats from every one’s plate, the way she reaches out to me so that I can pick her in my arms and do masti with her, the way she is happy when we take her for an outing, they way she plays with her ball and other toys, the way she does Je-Je sitting in lap of her Dadi, the way she cutely curls down to me, the way she tries to catch our attention, the way she nods when she is super happy, the way she claps and says wa wa wa wa wa wa, the way she says wooooow, the way she meows and bow bows, the way she has breakfast with me, all her weekly and monthly b’days ………….. Oh Boy! list is endless. I can add on and on and on but it’s already 3 a.m. in the morning. I better leave this post incomplete only to capture so many more precious moments of her childhood. She will forever remain our little doll “Deshna”

Snaps, well I have 10k+ but will post once I have the approvals of my better half. 🙂

Adios to Jingalala Life !!!

If Idea Cellular Ltd gave me a runway to take off my career then my stint at Tata Sky Ltd provided me a pilot seat to steer and fly my plane to best of my abilities. Nikhil Modi was senior captain of my flight and under his guidance and supervision I managed to successfully control 500+ crore annual sales budget.

This is a note for bidding goodbye and expressing my heartfelt gratitude for the Jhingalala experience that Tata Sky has been. I have enjoyed every day of this 2.5+ years journey – the learning, the guidance, enriching opportunities to grow, shouldering bigger responsibilities, the fun that I had working on them, frustrations that were handled seamlessly, the mentorship equivalent to 100x business and self-help books, the support, flexibility, encouragement, care, the laughs and chat around coffee machines and so much more. I’ll cherish them for a long long time.

I am very pleased to have worked in the Sales Finance Team at Corporate Office and I am intentionally not calling out on names of my fellow colleagues as it would indeed be a very long list for the simple reason, each and every colleague whom I sought help or guidance in any form (personal or professional) for any reason at any time, you all were more than willing to offer me help, guidance and motivation throughout this journey.

A very big THANK YOU to entire team for making this stint memorable for me, both professionally and personally. I have made some bonds to last a lifetime.

As they say, you don’t know how hard it is to leave, unless you do..

But with the hope to cross path again, someday, until next time (*smiles, handshakes and hugs*)

Wishing entire Tata Sky Team, the best of health & happiness. Continue to live the Jingalala Life ❤❤❤

 Forever Proud Jingalala Subscriber

~A Staunch Believer !!

Manasvi !!!

Yes that’s what this post is going to be about. I last wrote in Dec 2019 and since then it’s been 14 long months of falling more in love with you, every passing day.

But for you I wouldn’t have expressed this even today so thanks a bunch for motivating me to write again. You came in my life as an angel & have ever since been inseparable from my thoughts, actions as well as daily routine. Life with you is just so lovey dovey, cheerful and exciting. I had no clue how your influence would change me in so may ways and bring out the best in me.

Looking at myself today, I am completely awestruck by improvements which I have had in terms of my actions, thoughts, behaviour, perspectives, principles and spiritualism. It’s been an all round much needed overhaul for me.

We haven’t had a single fight or resentment in all this while is monumentous and all the credit goes to you. Love, Happiness, Positivity, Care & Comfort, Partner First Approach, Unending Support, Trust, Respect, Honesty, Strong Spiritual Beliefs are few of the many fundamental pillars of our relationship.

When I look back and ponder that we have had an arrange marriage, it is hard to digest. I feel as if I have known you for longest of times and that we have been soulmates living in isolation for all these years. The transition has been so smooth and our journey together has been so fulfilling that I consider myself to be truly blessed to have a life partner in you.

You are a pure soul with a heart of gold. I have never seen you sulking or cringing or complaining for anything at all. No demands – No expectations You virtues and value system are unmatchable and incorruptible. I love you so very much and wish and pray that you remain the same forever. I am tremendously fortunate and lucky to have a wonderful soulmate guiding me in all aspects of life. With you besides every moment of life is beautiful, contended and worthy of living.


Love you Now, Forever & Always…



This one is for you mummy !!

One more title in my kitty and it feels ecstatic. Truly blessed & honoured to have been bestowed with Yog Ratna Award at National Yoga Championship, 2019 by Dr. Satyapal Singh (M.L.A. Baghpat, Ex-commissioner Mumbai Crime Branch)

My Journey and association with Yoga began when I was 5 years old. Kids at 5 are more attached to their mom’s and I was no different than other kids of my age (I think even today, invariably the first thing I ask when I enter the house is where is Mom, if someone else opens the door not that I am a 5 year kid anymore but that attachment to her is still as strong as it has always been). A moment if I wouldn’t see her around, I would sulk and inquire about her instantaneously. So it was usual for me to tag along like a loyal puppy whenever I would see mom leaving the house.

One morning when she was leaving for her routine morning walk, as a reflex action I started walking by her side only to reach Johnson and Johnson Garden, Mulund when she spotted my Guruji Shri Swamisurendranandji, teaching yoga to few kids in the garden. And destiny brought me to one of the most toughest, challenging and difficult times of my life for that age. She saw kids performing yoga and instantly went up to my Guruji to ask if he would teach me as well (for free!) as she didn’t have money to offer him.

Somehow from my childhood days, I though being an average boy would never be able to say no to my mom. Like if she asked me to do it, I would happily do it without thinking about anything else. (Mummy ne bola !! ;))

So I started learning yoga and even mastered it well at a very young age. I represented at District level and National Level Yoga Championships couple of times in different age categories and won them too.

Guruji used to reside in Mulund Arya Samaj and it was from there that I got my trainings in field of Yoga. I was a part of Arya Veer Dal along with many kids of the vicinity who would come and take training. My Guruji used to organize shivirs (offsite camps) for 7 to 15 days during summer and winter vacations and my mom would send me in those camps without fail right from the age of 5. I used to be the youngest member of camps and would be loved and taken special care of by Guruji.

Training recieved in the camps is something which can never ever be forgetten, it moulded me into what I am today.

Usually our day would start at 4 o clock in the morning and go up to 10 o clock in the evening. It was sort of Gurukul for 7 to 15 days where we would live with our Guruji and learn Aryan culture and Aryan way of life.

Believe me, it was rigorous is an understatement, there was no help and eventually everything had to be done by our ownselves either individually or collectively as a team. There were no dedicated washrooms, nor cooks who would take care of our meals so from making food to doing dishes, from cleaning rooms to washing our own clothes, in short from getting up to making our bed at night everything had to be managed and done by ourselves.

Trainings were imparted to us in field of Yog Asanas, March-Past, PT, Archery, Swimming, Malkhambh, Kata, Talvar, Kungfu, Karate, Judo, Bhala, Rifle Shooting and much more.

There used to be sacred Havan sessions followed by Boudhik sessions which preached us the Philosophies of Aryan Way of Life : Being Punctual, Being Disciplined, Being Kind, Upholding the Virtues of Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Perseverance, Fostering the spirit of Brotherhood, Friendship, Sacrifice and Respect for all the members of the camps, Teachings of Strength of Unity, Nation First Approach, Remaining competitive yet not being selfish and mean and much much more, all of it was deeply rooted in us during these camps.

If I have to draw an analogy we were like the raw uncut worthless stones who were polished in the correct manner in these shivirs and converted into bright sparkling precious diamonds.

Today, I feel immensely happy when My Guriji and My Parents pat my back and see me flourishing in life. I know that for many it all seems like cakewalk with every bit of it jumping out of the fairy tales but when I connect the dots backwards, those invaluable underlying efforts & sacrifices of my parents, my great grand-mom aka baa and my guruji which have moulded an average boy like me into everything that I am today. I am forever grateful & indebted to them for raising me right and for being my true guiding force wherever I would be stuck in life. I am confident that with their blessings and support i would continue to bring many more glories to them.

I proudly proclaim today that I am an Arya Veer and will continue to remain so for the rest of my life. This institution is one of the most difficult because it is a non-profit and funding is always a core crunch, amenities are bare minimum, facilities are non-existent, yet despite all of the above the spirit of the Yog Gurus such as Swamisurendranandji who are able to spot the right talent from different corners of the country and give them a platform to perform and shine bright like Yog Ratna’s and keep the show going.

*Agar yeh nai dekha toh kya dekha* Few Snaps from the Championship 2019 are below, believe me each and every posture below is extremely tough and almost unimaginable but kudos to these bright yogis who made the event a memorable one and won in their respective categories.

If you feel you want to support or extend help in any form to this noble institution please it is my earnest request, do get in touch with me.

~A Staunch Believer

Aman Kothari !!!

Our friendship is deep rooted now 20+ years and you don’t know how precious a gem you are to me.

This post is nothing but a small attempt / tribute to tell you why you are one of my strongest pillars & friends in this journey of life.

1. You are strong enough to handle criticisms.

2. You are brave enough to pursue your passion.

3. You are mature enough to know that being a family person is purest form of strength.

4. You are wise enough to strongly be by your family & friends in their ups and downs.

5. You wouldn’t be brightest of the lot when it came to education but your value system is praise worthy and that’s what counts everything in life.

6. Your height may be short but you have a big heart which always reflects in your relationships with everyone around.

7. You are incorruptible and howsoever dire a situation is, you will always do what is right and choose truth over lies.

8. Your ambitions are high but you are equally grounded with your realities and responsibilities. I am 100% sure you will reach all pinaccles of success in life.

9. You are kind at heart, wise at words and unbiased. Be it watchman or any bigshot you treat everyone with equal respect and humanity. You are one of the purest souls I have encountered in my life.

10. You may feel at times that others are racing ahead but remember my friend Bush was out at 50 while Trump started at 70.

Howsoever low / weak etc you feel, don’t you ever forget that there is a person in this world who would be there for you in slightest of your discomfort. (I couldn’t make it to your big day today but I am sure gonna make up for it next week after your exams !!)

Lastly, Happy B’day Richie Rich.. I call this name to tease you often but you possess all the qualities Richie had despite being rich and that’s what makes you truly a Richie Rich 😉

Life @ 27

It’s been a week & feeling has started to sink in. Into my late 20s now, wow !!

Life is more or less sorted & I think I am on cusp of take off to better & newer things.

Professional life is undoubtedly growing with each and every passing year. It’s been 9 months now at Tata Sky Ltd and I am already in grip of my responsibilities in the new role.

Social life has been fulfilling equally, Be it as a member of Board of Studies of NM College, be it Alumni guest for school’s annual event, Be it Head of sports committee in our complex or be it guest of honour for yog shibir at Matunga Boarding School, I am being recognized and looked up to. I am so happy, recently nominated for “National Yog Ratna” Award at Delhi on 28th December 2019 and it’s such a great honour to be able to achieve this feat.

Mom-Dad are healthy, happy and fit, Broski is excelling in his own way and finances have been more or less figures out.

Overall I am in a happy space so then what is it that I am looking up to now ?

For past couple of months, I have started thinking about my life partner and things I want to achieve together over next 5 to 7 years. Somehow I feel it’s a very confusing game even though I don’t think I have a choice to not play it, I am scared yet ready to take the plunge. I hope the divine power which has been constantly blessing me in so many wonderful ways will continue and take care of this aspect of life as well.

Lastly, to all my besties, who bless me year over year and share unanimous thoughts & excitement of getting me married – I have a return gift for you, “This was my last bachelor’s b’day ;)”

~A Staunch Believer

Get rid of your inhibitions if you want to grow !!

I feel extremely lucky to have attended the experiential workshop at Grape County. It was one hell of an experience. I had never pedalled for this long before, but the cyclostorm experience created a big impact on me & hence penning down my thoughts here.

As a generation, we were cheated. Growing up, we were all fed notions of the American Dream : go to school and get good grades so you get into a great college and then be whatever you want! Except, they forgot to mention the lack of jobs, the economic situation, the unending student debt and the fact that our parents will be lucky to ever retire. We are screwed.

Sure, you can be whatever you want to be, so long as that means a coffee shop barista with dual majors or an MBA with a hundred grand in student loans.

Let’s face the facts: The American Dream is dead. We need a new one.

We live in an age of unprecedented technological advancement, instantaneous social connectivity and limitless potential. It’s super cliché, but the future really is ours; we just have to dream big and chase it. No one will create the picturesque future you dreamed up as a little kid except for you. It is time to create a new dream, time to yell back at the world: “Your American Dream is not enough for me!” It’s time for another generation to reach for the stars, and pursuing our dreams requires two things: passion and inspiration.

When I find myself uninspired or just lost, I pick up my copy of “The Alchemist.” This year alone, I’ve read that book three times, front to back. It’s the story of a young boy with a dream who pursues his soul’s personal legend — the purpose of his life as he saw in his dream. Of course, along the way, he received the guidance of a wise alchemist. The alchemist portion really intrigued me; I had always been fascinated with things like the Philosopher’s Stone and the Elixir of Life and changing lead into gold. So, I guess my intrigue stemmed from wanting to know how someone who could change lead into gold could help someone else realize his personal legend.

In the book, the young boy goes from being a shepherd, to a beggar, to a crystal merchant, all in pursuit of his destiny. Similar to now, someone in our generation might work several different jobs, none of which have anything to do with an earned college degree. The difference between the boy and us is that the boy had his dream and everything he did was in pursuit of his dream – he never lost sight of it. Can the same be said about us? Are the degrees we earn and the jobs we take really in pursuit of our own dreams? The cynic in me says no.

I guess that is why they call us “The Lost Generation.” We are generation of over-educated and under-employed kids, who have no identities of their own. Still, I don’t think we are lost or purposeless so much as we are passionless and uninspired. We barely dream anymore, and if we do, we sure as hell don’t pursue those dreams. So, I guess the great big question is: Why? I think the answer is fear; fear of never achieving our dreams, of failing, of not conforming to society’s demands of us and most importantly, fear of change. We are so afraid of change that we often fail to take chances. We would much rather dream than try to realize our callings and fail. We sit back at our miserable nine-to-fives, checking Instagram and Facebook every five minutes, seething at those who are living more fulfilling lives then us, having existential crises, constantly developing a stronger wanderlust and doing nothing about it.

If we are so passionate about wanting good lives, why don’t we pursue those lives? Why are we so passionate about life, but refuse to live it to the fullest?Generally, what sets the people whom we envy apart from us is their passion. If they want something badly enough and are so enamored with an ideal or dream, they will fight through any challenge or adversity, ignore any fear and pursue it. They know that whatever it is they are passionate about, they are alive to do; it is the reason they exist: their personal “legend.” They turn dreams into reality, lead into gold.

They are real-life alchemists and they have discovered the Elixir of Life. In life, you must have passion. Passion is the key to truly living. Find something about which you are passionate — a dream, an ideal, anything — and chase it. If your passion is writing, then write — even if no reads it! If you want to climb, then climb — even if you fall! If your passion is music, play it, compose it and dance to it — even if you do it alone! If you are passionate about something and you don’t know how to do it, learn! This is what we are supposed to do in life; train, practice, learn and prepare for that one moment when the crystal palace of our dreams is shattered in place of a reality we created.

That is what true passion is — an unrelenting battle against fear and life itself to turn a simple dream into a reality. But, it is not enough to be passionate about something; you have to be inspired. You need to look at the dreamers and idealists of the world — all the quixotic fools pursuing their passions — and let their passion inspire you. Look to the people who say, “That is impossible” or, “You can’t do that” and they reply, “Watch me.”

In this world of totalitarian conformity, we have to look at those people who live outside their comfort zones, who measure success by how close they are to achieving their dreams and who have no fear of change or failure.

Humanity is an amazing thing and our capacity for greatness is limitless. Let the greatness of others inspire us to pursue our own excellence and achieve our own dreams. Gen-Y is poised for something great. Sure we are cynical, pessimistic and permanent students, but we still have our dreams. We just need to pursue them.With all of our technology and education, with every luxury we have, with all the great lessons history offers us, and all the opportunity previous generations have afforded us, it is time we do something. It is time to reach for the stars again. It is time to dream — and big. It is time to start really living. Get out there, get inspired, become passionate about something, find a purpose or create one! Find something for which you would gladly live or die. Screw the faux American Dream; make your own dream and chase it with every fiber of your being.

When this journey is all said and done, you will look back on your life and either say, “I wish” or “what if” — or, you will look back, smile and say, “I turned lead into gold.”

~A Staunch Believer

CA Shrey Sanjay Chheda !!!

From the depths of my heart, come the words of a brother,
where our souls and our minds, are like that of no other.

The spirit of competition, will always be there,
in the look of our eyes, and the glance of our stare.

Protecting each other, is always a must,
good times or bad times, never losing that trust.

We never lacked courage, or showed too much pride,
with no thoughts of guilt, or feelings put to the side.

It’s important to strive forward, and not live through regret,
but to savor the memories, and to never forget.

To be such close companions, always made me so proud,
never scared to express feelings, our emotions speak loud.

Whether it’s heaven or on earth, our souls are always together,
we share that sacred bond, knowing that brothers last forever.

I am immensely proud of you. May you achieve many more successes and laurels in days coming ahead.

Love you now and forever !!!


Your Bada Bhai 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

You must have a plan !!!

I feel extremely pumped & joyful today. I have conquered one of the best deals of my life & am so happy that I was able to pull it off this smooth.

1st June 2019 ticks off a big ticket in my to achieve list that I have set for myself, the feeling of buying your own house in Mumbai is so fulfilling and I am overwhelmed that one of my childhood dreams has been fulfilled to an extent & manner which i had never ever imagined.

The entire process though being laborious and frustrating (from scouting, selection, negotiation, arrangement of funds, legal processes, loan processing, agreement drafting and execution, interior decoration and so on and so forth) is worth the time and effort especially because it made me lot more wiser, allowed me to experience people whom I considered very close to me & relationships which I genuinely felt I would do anything for if they needed my help ever, demonstration of fairness in dealing and execution of steps as per set out guidelines, meeting financial commitments given to seller, designing alternate plans for funding in case if something didn’t work out as planned and so much more.. truly was a mammoth task and I feel very relieved that deal is forever inked.

Unconditional support from mom, dad and shrey in all decisions at all steps with unanimous consent to go ahead makes it even more satisfying to accomplish and pull off this deal. They have stood by all my decisions no matter what & I feel very proud in seeing them content and happy.

My dad told me on a lighter note, “You’re paying stamp duty which is 33% more than the entire value I paid for while buying my house 25 years ago.”

Many people think property prices do not have room to surge but all my life living 26 years in Mumbai I haven’t seen them going down which is a reality check. That’s Mumbai for you. Many people feel it’s beyond their means to buy a house in Mumbai with salary income, but I don’t completely agree and that even with salary income you can make your dream a reality, provided you do proper financial planning.

First house is always close to heart and memorable. I know in theory and financial wizards may think of it as a poor investment choice at this stage of life and recommend more investments in equity or mutual funds yet I think this is right choice for me. I don’t have logical reasons to support my decision nor do I have mathematical proof that it is 100% correct yet the happiness and emotional satisfaction derived is a superior trade off to holding more investments in risky stocks and SIPs with anticipation of higher returns in long term.

I am not saying real estate is the only option but having done CA and CFA, having experienced stock markets for 11+ years, futures and options et all – real estate is much safer a bet and store for value of the hard earned money that you earn. Having a healthy diversified portfolio is totally agreed but without a real estate exposure is something I wouldn’t like to personally have or recommend.

Everyone’s dreams are different and multiple with different time frames and horizon. Everyone has different circumstances and backgrounds. Our day to day routine is so tiring that hardly we get time to plan our finances and execute them properly to align to our long term and short term goals, yet doing that is essential because it makes a lot of difference. (believe me I have tested it on myself and can tell you from my experience)

#You-got-to-have-your-plan #Set-your-goals #Stick-to-basics #Only-1-life-make-it-count #Yolo #One-more-life-goal-achieved

First Job !!

5th April 2019, Friday, is going to be my Last Official Working Day. What an Incredible journey, these 4.5 years have been !! Both the taglines ie. “Ek !dea – Jo badal de Aapki Duniya” as well as “Future is Exciting – Ready?” are aptly justified given the countless WOW Moments which I got to experience at Idea as well as Vodafone Idea.

The feeling of not being a part of this wonderful organization is indeed sad, and I am not able to imagine how work life would be hereon but I am immensely satisfied that I was given an opportunity to serve and be a part of this amazing organization in the beginning of my career.

This video doesn’t exist

There are no two thoughts on who My Jack Ma is and I am glad that rather than I finding him, God was kind enough to have him already figured out for me. Right from my Job confirmation after the end of 1 year of !-YLP Program, to giving me the hopes to re-attempt and clear CFA when I flunked in 2015, to pulling me in the BI Role when I cleared CFA and then guiding me to take up the challenging role in Marketing team as Data Lead for leadership Circle, I sincerely thank you Sunil Sir from bottom of my heart. You have been my Friend, Philosopher & Guide and Genuine Well-Wisher, My Father-Figure in corporate life.

Sunil Sir – I had written this to you personally last year when I was serving my notice period and want to make it public now. “I precisely remember how you told me while moving me into the BI role that come what may, if there is anything between CMT and CH, you always have to maintain the trust of your CH. This advice had been my mantra in my BI stint and I have lived by it, in fact I want to thank you for the same as it has come really handy in lot of situations at work and also otherwise in life.

You have always given your inputs on broader aspects of decision making and emphasized on fairness in dealing with all stake holders but at same time always allowed flexibility to take the decisions without micro-managing the same. It has improved my horizons and confidence level to an entirely different level. During family discussions, I often get compliments from my parents that I have been taking my responsibilities very well (especially when my dad got operated for sinusitis and I took all decisions and responsibilities), probably that’s the best compliment which I have got ever and to great extent it comes from impact and influence which you had on me. I want to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you and hope and pray for my future mentors also to be like you.

Be the same as you are !! J J J I don’t have to tell you how highly I perceive you. I am heading to a new company but in no way I am leaving you, and will always take your guidance whenever I feel stuck in life.”

Pamesh Sir – You were the one who has been instrumental in my understanding of Telecom Operations more than anyone else. All the Review Meetings, Late lunches at 3 p.m., Discussions in your cabin, Candid Conversations in cab while travelling back home, Launching 4G in Mumbai Circle, How to do Market Visits, are all worth every bit as I look and smile at the times spent with you at Mumbai Circle.
I completely resonate to your Mantra of Success – “Striking a balance between Thinking Big while realizing that Devil lies in Detail.” Also the qualities that you revere in others ie. Hunger for Growth, Humility and Team-Spirit are undoubtedly the pillars on which any Business Operations would run smoothly and successfully.

Ambrish Sir – Even though I was only a listening member in the CORs and got very less time to interact with you, I admire your personality a lot. I would have loved to be your BI had I got an opportunity. Your ever composed look even under tremendous pressure, your efforts to align industry together on various issues, your unmatched Industry experience which could sense the pulse of the Circle Operations in first 2 questions of the COR are all worth saluting. I someday aspire to be a leader like you.

Erstwhile Idea CMT – Mumbai Circle : Pradeep Sir, Amar Sir, Shiv Sir, Anil Sir, Deepak Sir, Rohan Sir, Rajesh NG Sir, Milind Sir, Ravindra Sir, Sophia Maa’m, Praveen Sir – thank you for all your co-operation and support. It was really wonderful to work in collaboration with each of you. You listened to my ideas, believed in some of them, corrected me in others, allowed me to participate freely in all discussions even though you were such seniors highly specialized in your respective domains. I have gained tremendous knowledge and working skills in corporate environment from you. Thanks once again for everything J

Entire Mumbai Circle Team : All Functional Vertical Heads – Zonal Business Heads – Team Members – Off Role Staff – Front End Teams – Admin Teams – Security Teams : I know many of us have been drifted apart to different circles or organizations – All you guys have been the core of what I have transformed into today. You all have been more like my family and less like colleagues who meet and work together. You have no idea how badly I will be missing all of you in the new organization. I intend to be in touch with as many of you as possible and would be glad to have updates from you. All your jokes, pranks, silly chats, personal advices, instant help, trust, bondings, outings, gossips, don’t get married so soon reminders – nostalgia – I will miss you all so so so so much, I have no clue.

Counerparts in Different Circles & Corporate : A Big Shout-Out to all my BI Colleagues, Data Leads, Device Spocs, Finance Controller Spocs, Payroll Processing Friends at CPC, MT Groups – You guys were always a back up to look up to when I would have doubts which could not be solved at circle level. Thanks for sharing all the learnings, best practices, happening things in your circles/corporate, advance info of what’s coming up or is being planned, spreading all the rumours and grapevines.

Last but not the least – to the ones who know me through my bones now !! All My colleagues in Finance Department, CH – Office, Marketing Department & Circle MT Gang : OP Sir, Omkar Sir, Ajit Sir, Manoj Sir, Sufal Sir, Ganesh, Narendra, Prasad, Rakesh, Bikash, Amit, Nikhil, Prerana, Rajesh, Dnyanesh, Sameer, Nilesh, Shripath, Prakash, Ninad, Nikita, Nishant, Shikha, Chirag, Shuchi, Rohit, Darshit, Divyesh, Vishal, Abhijeet, Carlos, Hilda, Vijay Shindeji, Prashant Madkaiker, Balliram Ji, Varsha V, Deepali, Natasha, Chandini, Abhishek, Divya, Sneha, Pooja, Bhaskarji, Francis, Philomena Maa’m, Pushkar Sir, Sukanta sir, Rajesh Sir, Anush Sir, Shubhanshu Sir, Sumit, Vineeth, Amit, Vikas, Erina, Navina, Dipika, Ankush, Sameer, Jude, Kunal, Shruti, Namrata, Aveg, Ravi, Riddhi, Prashant, Sachin, Kalpesh, Ankit, Shiv, Chaitanya, Samveg, Snehal, Ashutosh, Divyangi, Sahil, Shilpin, Showmik & Vithika. You all have been with me through thick and thin and I have discussed almost anything and everything with you guys. Thanks a lot for bearing with me all this while but I will continue to remain this weird even for the rest of my life. Do well and blah blah whatever. Love you all so much.

Oh Yes All My colleagues from HSW, ERT & FIRECRACKER GANG – A Big Shout Out to all of you guys !! You are all very instrumental in energizing the Circle and truly go beyond the Call of Duty to ensure Safety at Work Place and in bringing in Innovative Thoughts and Ideas to keep Mumbai Circle lively and buzzing.

Few of the hastags that Pop-Up instantaneously are:

#!dea #VIL #Udey-Judey


#Windsor #Birla-Centurion #Vodafone-Skyline #Mumbai-Circle

#Interview & Offer Letter-On-Same-Day







#Postpaid-Collection #Finance-Controller #BI-to-CH #Data-Lead-Marketing

#OP-Mishra #Manoj-Nagori #Sunil-Tolani #Pamesh-Gupta #Anush-Santhanam
















#From-Business-Discussions-almost-everywhere : Board Rooms; Meeting Rooms; Gym; Canteen; Refugee Area; Parking lot; Driving Back Home; Over the Phone Calls-all-with-one-agenda-of-driving-performance-of-Mumbai-Circle-Up


#Unimaginable Support; Faith; Trust; Bonding; Being guided; Being heard; Being allowed to work independently; Being allowed to take real world business decisions; Circle Benchmarks; Industry Benchmarks; Developing Self Confidence; Being able to imagine 2 lakh crore industry & speaking those kind of figures fluently with accuracy.

#A-lot-of-firsts – First_Job; First Salary Credit; First Bonus; First Boss; First Increment Letter; First Promotion; First Failure in CFA; First Appreciation at Work; First time pinch of 30% tax bracket; First Corporate Induction; First Time away from home for 2 months in Ahemedabad; First Market Visit, First 4G Site Launched, First Mega-Merger-Experience, First taste of Leadership circle etc.

This organization has given me more than I could have ever dreamt of when I had joined Idea Cellular. I am forever indebted to this great institution. Hasta la Vista VIL !! J

PS : Do comment like nd share your feedback, memories pics etc ! I would love to take them along with me 😉 Loads of Love and Best Wishes.

Happy 21st B’day Shreyu, Me Loves You !!! ❤❤❤

Some of my best childhood memories are anchored by the time spent with you. These are the simple times that are swept away when life’s tide brings responsibilities aplenty. Our relationship is a funny one. We fight like cats and dogs but when the dust settles, deep down in our hearts we know that they will always be there for each other. 21 stanzas below is just a small attempt to wish you a unique happy birthday.

1) Happy memories of childhood,

Sweet nostalgia of my teens

With you around by my side

The best of life I have seen

So much happiness

I owe to you, dear bro

I am indebted to you for life

Is what I want you to know

I love you

Continue reading Happy 21st B’day Shreyu, Me Loves You !!! ❤❤❤

Kavnai – Lake in the Air !!

This was one of the best trekking experience and connect with nature which I had in a while. Kavnai fort lies in Igatpuri, Nasik. Me with a fellow office colleague snehal and her friends set ourselves up for this trek.

It had been months since I last got up @ 4 a.m. in the morning. We met at Dadar station and took a Kasara bound train on the Central railway. Few colleagues and our trek guide joined from kurla, ghatkopar, thane and dombivali but all scattered in different compartments thanks to our poor coordination.

Enjoyed all favourite songs in my playlist while gazing at the greenery from my window seat. It had been a while since I made new friends and I was excited and looked forward to this trek. We all finally met at Kasara station and had a quick introduction round.

Without wasting much time we barged into the jeep which was waiting for us at Kasara. We left for Igatpuri, it was drizzling mildly and I could feel the weather enriching my soul. Pee break was accompanied by light breakfast. I was the odd one out in the group as I was the only Gujarati guy while all other members were Maharashtrians. They conversed in their mother tongue, majority of which I could comprehend. I tried to speak best of all marathi vocabulary which came to my mind, it was good enough for my contribution in the conversations. We reached our base around 11.

We started climbing and I was happy to see another trekkers group who had also come for this trek. More the merrier. It was beautiful. We had lots of fun, masti and gupshups. I had started recognizing members by their names now and within 3 hours we all became such good friends. Everyone from diverse backgrounds and different experiences having one thing in common – love for trekking and mother nature. We supported each other, cared for each other, took so many photos, boomerangs and selfies.

But the most amazing experience was when we reached at the top. It was pouring heavily accompanied by gusty winds which had depleted visibility by more than 90%. Temperature was around 7 to 8 degrees and we were all completely drenched. Total delight to see a big natural lake at the top of the mountain, it seemed as if lake was floating in the air, couldnt have imagined in wildest of thoughts that there would be a lake this big the size on top of a mountain.

Everyone was elated, especially jagruti, and even though our hands shook due to freezing cold weather we couldn’t resist going near the lake and enjoying and splashing the lake water. It was crystal clear as if it was water from heaven. Neither the poor visibility nor our frozen hands could avoid us from capturing those wonderful moments. We all sat down to munch some snacks and fruits before we started descending.

We reached the base camp within an hour and half. Clock had struck 4. Being a gujju, any trip is incomplete without thepla and chutney. Tiffin box came handy and it acted as starters while full course meal awaited us at half an hour drive. Everyone just loved the homemade snack and asked me to double the quantity from next trek onwards.

We boarded CST bound train from Kasara. Shared all the pics, made WhatsApp Trek group, chit chatted about the thrilling experience. It was a day well spent. Ajinkya, Jagruti, Snehal, Shambhu, Sachin and Chetan : cheers to our maiden trek and friendship. Let’s adventure once atleast every month as decided. Let the spirits burn !!!

Toh kya baat hai !!!

Apne khwabon ke bare mai sochta hoon, toh lagta hai mere pure ho jaye sare khwab, toh kya baat hai,

Khwab me jo dekhta hoon hakikat mai mil jaye, toh kya baat hai,

Jin tammanaao ko lekar aarman sajata hoon, wo tammana puri ho jaye, toh kya baat hai,

Jo aarzoo hai mere, woh hakikat ban jaye, toh kya baat hai,

Mere andhere aashiyane, roshni se jagmga jaye, toh kya bat hai,

Apni manzil tak ke raste ko pura kar loon, toh kya baat hai,

Mujhe mil jaye meri manzil, toh fir kyaa baat hai,

Meri saari chahte yun aasani se pure ho jaye, toh kyaa baat hai.….!!

~A Staunch Believer

Happy B’day Mom ❤❤❤

You would be the strong roots,

If I were a tree.

In my life’s horizon,

You are the endless sea.

Mom, I don’t know how to convey,

How much you mean to me.

There is no limit to my love for you,

You are my entire world, you see.

Age can’t touch you,

Your beauty radiates from within.

Love is the reason for your youthfulness,

Which you keep giving to the family.

Every day seeing your face,

I feel lucky to have you in my destiny.

Wish you loads and loads of love, happiness, health and prosperity mummy.

No words are enough to express our gratitude and love for everything that you have done for us !!

From : Tom & Jerry ❤😍😘😘😘😍❤


Intent is far important than content. A child may buy a gift for his parents from the very same pocket money they had given to him. But because intent of the child is selfless, it still feels like a gift when they take it into their hands.

The greatest and noblest leaders of society have always been those who have been straight and forthright in their speeches, policies and activities. These leaders were not orators, but people who spoke with simple words. They were not handsome, rich or beautiful. But people listened to them, followed them. It’s not money, fame or power most people really want. Deep inside, what they actually crave is a sheltering friendship.

A true friend. One who never deserts you. One who is always there when you need him. One who defends, protects and forgives when you have wronged. That is a friend. He or she might be in form of a parent, sibling, relative, colleague, good book or Guru. But a good friend is someone everyone needs.

These friends tell you the bitter truth, but it’s easy for you to swallow because you know their intent is pure. You know they are not using the truth to pull you down or hurt you like others do. You know they are using it to pull you up and heal you, like no one else does. Such friends don’t have political agenda in their lives. True friends have eternal unflinching plans for you.

Friends are committed, determined. They put you before themselves. They love you as themselves! They appreciate you more than the whole world put together. They know you through to your bones. They understand every beat of your heart and every frequency of the thought-waves in your brain. They comprehend the agony of your soul and ecstasy of your dreams. Yet, they manage to handle them all; controlling your tantrums, calming your nerves and cradling your soul. Isn’t this what most people want ? Someone to soothe them and assure them everything will be all right in the end ?

But such friends are so rare! And only true spiritual mentors live on forever. Parents, spouse and friends pass away. Fellow siblings pursue careers in far off lands. A feeling of loneliness and defencelessness descends on people – however rich or powerful they may be – when they begin to lose their nearest and dearest. But this is life’s trademark.

We cannot prevent our closest ones from leaving us alone in this harsh, wild world. But their intent in leaving us is pure too: they are nudging us to take their place as selfless friend and guardian of someone else! We must follow their footsteps and tread their path. As they were unto us, we must be unto others. Even if you can’t be as helpful as the friend who helped and guided you, you can still bear his essential qualities: a pure and pristine intention. Most of us will never do great things, but we can all do small things in this great, selfless way!

Graduation day speech !! 

A very good morning to your excellency, respected principal as well as teachers, and dearest students.. 

Well.. Standing here, I feel as if it was just yesterday that I had stepped out of school, time flies by so fast. #nostalgia

I am immensely blessed to have this opportunity to be amongst you today and I thank school management for extending this generous invitation. 

I precisely remember my graduation day and how I was one like you and how precious and dear those feelings still remain alive in the heart. From my personal experience, I can guarantee that today, 15th Feb is going to be one of the most memorable days of your life. You will cherish this day much much more than the marks which you secure in the examinations.. those recess bells, school anthems, morning assembly meets, short break, long break, ending the day with national anthem, extended PT sessions, toffee distributions on bdays, school uniforms, unpolished shoes, postponed haircuts, waiting for school buses in mornings, writing thought for the day, class picnics, last minute bag packs for school, submitting countless projects, not doing homework, punishment by teachers for making noise, throwing chalks and innumerable other mischiefs.. Yes even after 9 years of school today I miss all of the above and each memory is fondly cherished on a lazy sunday mornings.

I am sure that all of you have already put in a lot of hard work during the past few months and it is only a matter of time that it starts reaping dividends into your marksheets. Give it your best shot and I am confident, you all will come out with flying colors.. 

Quickly few examination tips : don’t panic, don’t over think on what you want to pursue after 10th, don’t lose confidence in yourself, don’t waste time in comparisons with others for this is a race in which you have to compete with yourself, revise as many times as you can, be calm and cool, manage to your time wisely, be precise and to the point.  

There is a universal truth we all have to face whether we want to or not, everything eventually ends. I have always disliked endings, but endings are inevitable. Leaves fall, you close the book. You say goodbye. Goodbye to everything that was familiar, everything that was comfortable.

Life will change a lot and at much faster rate hereon.. wherever destiny takes you to whichever corners of the world, be in touch with as many friends, teachers and faculty as you can because these relationships have some of the strongest roots which have been nurtured for long period of time and such bondings are precious and one of the most valuable assets to carry in the so called journey of life.. Today take lot of photos, exchange as many promises as you can, make the best of these moments and excel in whatever you want to do.  

Madam Grace Pinto had told this to all of us during our farewell and I would like to tell the same to all of you in my concluding statement, “Fare Well in anything and everything that you do in Life.” 


Narendra Modi.. this is the word that’s buzzing in India for all good and bad reasons since 8 p.m. of 8th November.. Demonetization is a hot discussion across boardrooms, lunch tables, breakfast, office place, while commuting, in queues at banks, ATM’s, media news, economic times, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, it’s almost all pervasive now in our daily lives.. 

There are so many cluttered thoughts in my mind that finally I am ranting them over here in order to reach out to logical conclusions by connecting the dots in the right perspective. 

Well, 500 & 1000 Rs gone overnight, boy you gotta be kidding me !! For a country as big and diverse as ours, with a parallel black economy, I must say this is the biggest political move in recent times. It will certainly have an impact on everyone within the country and affect countrymen in different ways.. 

To begin with I would like to divide this post into 3 parts:

1. Immediate short term impact – lack of liquidity in the market, consumption will take a hit, revenues to fall for the third quarter across industries and across all sectors, sentiments bearish, all duplicate currency to be redundant, long queues at Banks and ATM’s, gold and other safer asset classes (dollar, yen, pound) to see a lot of prominence. 

2. Mid term impact – well as things settle in a year or so one can expect rate cuts by RBI leading to quantitative easing in credit, big boost for debt mutual funds and debt market as bonds prices should surge with declining yields, loans to become cheaper and hence big relief to companies piled on with debt, debt service coverage ratio to improve across sectors, boost for companies to take more debts and expand, inflation to remain under control and prices to stagnate or increase marginally, gst will further strengthen the economy and improve GDP by 200 to 300 basis points

3. Long term impact – shift towards digitalization, lot of manual process to get automated, technology may eat up labour jobs, equity markets to pick up, real estate prices to come down, rentals to fall as employment shifts from metros to tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 cities, unprecedent growth in technology stocks with more consumption of data, interest rates to come down to global average range of 2% – 3 %. 

Now coming to the hot topic : “Will Demonetization step do away with Black Money in India?” 

First of all I want you to think about this move. Is this move a currency demonetization or merely currency replacement ? We will come back to this question later on in this post. 

So ever since 8th November, I am taking views from different people and sections of society on what they percieve about demonetization. 

1. Day Workers : Daily wage earners have not reported to construction sites, why ? they were asked not to report to work by their bosses. What do they do now ? Simply queue up in banks, get notes exchanged, keep a 500 rupee note for themselves, give back 4000 rupees to the bosses, and repeat the process, once they do this for 1 to 2 times, from third time onwards they bring entire family members to exchange notes just to make a quick buck, their simple logic is sahab hum din bhar mazduri karke 300 rupiya kamate hai, agar humein sirf line mein khade rehne ke liye 500 rupiya mile toh aap hi batao, hum gareeb log hai sahab, agar hum nai karenge toh koi aur karke de dega, ameer logo ka kuch kabhi bigda hai bhala ? This had literally saddened me to the core, one man (Our PM) is trying to catch hold of buggers who have amassed huge sums of wealth so that weaker sections can benefit from it, in terms of better public infra, reducing fiscal defect etc., and here are the beneficiaries who are themselves indulging in note exchange just in order to make quick buck. 

2. Lower Middle class : Normal middle class who work 8 to 5 in offices, for them Modiji is next to God. They are all in praises for the move. They are ready to queue up in lines at ATMs for national good. They have lots of hopes that finally rich poor divide will get bridged, sitting in their offices in front of computers they have no clue of ground reality and have been completely swayed off with all speeches of Modiji. They think that counterfeiting of notes will stop, that blackmoney holders will have to throw away notes in so called banks of ganga, bramhaputra, and so on. Really you could believe such whatsapp messages, I mean I really think how can such a big middle class section completely lack their common sense or in a way doesn’t think at all, just keeps doing their stereotype jobs and takes home a salary cheque every month. This saddened me even more as we have a big population who doesn’t have a thought process of it’s own and simply gets carried away with what is shown to them by media. If we want a Superpower India then its imperative that these minds start thinking and start reasoning what is being presented to them. 

3. Upper Middle Class : Well these are the people who are the most happy of the lot. They are eyeing at opportunities out of this move. Defaulting in their payments, offering old denomination notes to settle their dues and in turn making margins as high as 30 to 40% in note conversion. They have taken up ways from their consultants for routing these money and are preparing for a big new year bash. 

4. Affluent class : well they are the real think tanks who have been running the show. For them it’s a small one time hit with a huge scope in long term. They are eyeing on interest rate cuts, more business from Government contracts on. Infrastructure, creating artificial slowdown in economy to downsize excess manpower, with stable prices in economy in long run and even after getting their fraction of wealth which is in form of cash their purchasing power will further increase in years to come. Thus even if there may be temporary distress they aren’t really feeling the heat of demonetization move. They will queue up for restructuring the loans sitting in their books in the medium term as interest rates fall. 

So all in all it’s an interesting game, and in my opinion I think that demonetization will fizzle out after 31st December as it would be a simple currency replacement rather than currency demonetization. Yes digital payments would flourish and it’s time to see how payment banks capitalize on this opportunity. Parallel economy would again pick up in 5 to 10 years and with double the magnitude thanks to 2000 denomination which would be now in market unless Modiji has some other tricks up his sleeve. 

Invest Wisely, 👍👍👍
Disclaimer: Well personally I am a Pro Modi and I think he is atleast making an effort to do something which none of the past governments had guts to do. Even if this move backfires still I would give it a thumbs up for trying to do something rather than simply doing nothing about it. 


​I can’t remain calm, my mind has become restless, every moment your thoughts and memories flash in front my eyes. May be writing this post would give me peace like it has done in the past but I have no clue if it will work this time..

A Great-Grand-Mother aka “Baa” is someone with silver in her hair and gold in her heart. 

Baa your history will be remembered not with rose petals but in the laughter and tears of your children and your children’s children and your children’s children’s children. It is into us that your life has gone. It is in us that your history will become a future. 

I know what it is like to be brought up with unconditional love. I will remain forever indebted for all love and blessings that you have showered upon me and shrey.

For me, Baa is warm hugs and sweet memories. You remember all of my smallest accomplishments and forget all my biggest mistakes. You are someone whom I could tell all my childhood secrets and worries, and you are the one who would hope, pray and give blessings that all my dreams come true. You always love me, no matter what. You can see my temper tantrums and bad moods, and still make it clear that they don’t affect how precious I am to you. You are an encouraging word and a tender touch. You are full of proud smiles. You are one person in the world who loves me with all her heart, who remembers the child I was and cherishes the person I’ve become.

What children need most in their childhood are the essentials that you provided me in abundance. You have given unconditional love, kindness, patience, values, morals, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies stories and loris..

“Great-Grand-Parent like you are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory. You are the family’s strong foundation. Your special love sets you apart. Through happiness and sorrow, through your special love, care and affection, you always kept the family close to your heart.

When I think of you in my life, I primarily think of love, sacrifice and friendship. This is not to undermine a zillion other memories and feelings we have had. 

Baa you raised me the first few years of my life and were more like a mother to me. There was nothing which you wouldn’t have done for me, my sibling or our parents. Even if that meant going against the world, you did so without giving it a second thought.
As I got older, Baa you were more of a friend and mentor. A beautiful and generous personality, you taught me to be kind and humble, always motivated me to study and get good grades in school.
Your laugh, simplicity and big heart makes me love you more than anyone else and it will continue to remain so forever.

Not a day has gone by and shall ever go by that we forget to appreciate all you have done for our family.. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, as tears keep pouring down my eyes.. 

What Next.. ??

​In this post I want to rant about what next ? Well let me come to the point and explain that one. 

CA done. CFA done. I don’t want to study or pursue any professional course as of now. So what is my next goal ? What do I look forward to now ? How do I keep myself occupied ? What should I do in the weekends ? 

Well after doing literally nothing except for some occasional shopping in past 3-4 weekends I realized that it’s time to start something new, create something for myself which is more meaningful and worthwhile in long term. Idling away time by scrolling WhatsApp or Facebook or Twitter posts won’t take me anywhere. So then what next ? What should I do ? What should I take up ?

At first I was drawing in and fascinated by ideas of start-ups in technology space. Then after much research and analysis I came to a conclusion that I am a CA and also an illiterate guy when it comes to technology. Well this doesn’t mean I refrain from using all that is latest in market but what I mean to say here is that there are hell lot of complications involved in developing a technology and given my background of CA and tag of Finance, I will never be able to have an eye for detail on that front. Even if you have a brilliant idea for a start-up there are lot of limitations to it, like finding a coder who will code for your idea, maintaining that app, resolving bugs, keeping source code confidential from others so that idea doesn’t get copied away easily, amount of time you need to give in to develop, financial constraints to leverage on your idea and endless other challenges.

Having gone through similar headwinds on starting a small scale business, I did some self assessment and asked myself a few questions. In case if you reading this, I would like to ask you the same. 

Are you a CA ? Have you been doing job ? Do you feel lost after 2 years ? Do you Aim BIG but think there are constraints on resources or some other circumstances which are currently holding you back ? You don’t want to quit your job but don’t mind taking a little risk to venture out for something new ? Do you think you have knowledge and are a domain expert in some field but are not able to capitalize on it ? 

If answers to above are in affirmative then I welcome you to my boat and join me in sailing through this journey and I honestly believe that making correct partnerships always helps you sail further and takes you farther. 

So next question is what have I planned for ? Well these days expertise commands a lot of premium in market. But not everyone is an expert in every field. You may be an expert in your respective domain but that is not enough to solve a business problem which today has countless aspects to it. A business problem needs to be approached holistically with an assessment of all impacts it would be having on clients business. An impact analysis is what every top management looks forward to in order to be more agile in the market place and stay ahead of competition. Also everyone has a focus on rising costs of professional services and are looking forward to better quality services at lesser costs. 

So having identified that I am planning to start a knowledge start-up and here is my analysis on resources which I require to make this work. 

1. A meeting place to carry out this project – already identified 

2. A team of domain experts

3. Business problems 

4. An online portal which can be accessed by the team

5. Power-Point Presentations of what you do and are expert in. 

6. Regularly updating the new regulations and it’s impact on your domain. 

So just to give a flavour of what I am trying to do and my objective behind this project is summed up as follows : 

1. Create a knowledge hub on all areas of CA or CFA curriculum 

2. To create a AOP with my team members on this project. 

3. To identify and assess and leverage on immense opportunities which are available with such kind of database and distribute the same equitably in team. 

4. To create a strong and powerful network of professionals who are currently working in isolation and are experts within their fields. 

5. To start a concept of knowledge start-ups and create an ecosystem to give better quality advise to businesses at your convenience.

6. To keep yourself updated and remain a student without having to study everything on your own. 

Sounds interesting ? May be you have something better than this ? Wanna give it a try ? 

Well then don’t think much, just get in touch. 

We Change..

​We change when life adds years to our age!

We change… when life gives us, friends or strangers!

We change… when life takes us,old or unexplored!

We change… when life finds a purpose for us..dreams, hopes and ambitions!

We change… when life snatches away people..special, dear or not!

We change… when life opens new doors..challenging, mysterious and unexpected!

We change… when life seems to be still…inviting, intriguing and annoying!

We change… when life gives us experiences..good, bad or ugly!

We change… when life just happens to us!!

My Story… 

It’s one of those moments we have when we don’t know what to feel. A million emotions in our head waiting to burst forth, but we are not sure which one suits the situation. This is going to be a very emotinal post but can’t help it.

Here is an average boy, who continues to improve upon himself with a single agenda of making his parents proud and setting a perfecto role model for his younger kiddo who means more than anybody to him in life. Yes I don’t intend to praise myself overhere but the point here is whatever I do or will ever do or have ever done has always been focussed to the context of will it make my parents happy and proud or will it be the right thing to do and what impact it will have on my younger brother.

I was born in a middle class family, yes we weren’t so sound financially then thanks to some unforeseen circumstances that came in my parents lives. Being the elder kid, a sizeable part of my early childhood went in witnessing a lot of struggles and hardships of my parents. My dad along with an equal contribution and support from mom in each and every situation, is the reason which has shaped me into the person who I am today. I am forever grateful and glad for having so caring and loving parents who have sacrificed (in terms of money, time and their wish lists) lot of their youth only so that I and my brother could get best of everything or so as to say not be deprived of anything essential for our development.

I was an average student in early years of school, at one point in time we were running very low and it was then that I decided that come what may, I will make it large in life. (It may sound like a 90’s typical bollywood stories) but yes from that point onwards there was no looking bàck. I started assuming more responsibilities (taking care of my kiddo) and planning my studies and helping my brother with his studies. I was lucky enough to have few studious friends in school who became my role model to achieve better grades with each passing year. By the end of board exams, I managed to touch 90% marks category from an initial 50% mark category in beginning. It was a high confidence booster for a shy and reserved boy like me. One milestone led more confidence for another one and soon it became like a habit for me. Got into NM, found a perfect brotherly friend in Shreyans with whom I grew a major chunk of my teen hood and academically cleared hurdles of 12th boards, CPT, ITT, Orientation, IPCC, Internship, Final CA. Anything and everything about me he would be knowing it by now. We decided to take up CA on a walk in the park and lived together the dream of earning those 2 letters in front of our names. But for him I wouldn’t have been able to be this far and become a chartered accountant. All this while our family fortunes improved, dad started doing pretty well, mom took a back seat and started pursuing her dharma and instilling the importance of religion and preaching of tirthankars in our lives.

My style was simple, I took one step at a time, focus all my energies into it, overcome it, move ahead, next hurdle so on and so forth. All went well, cleared all examinations with decent grades, everything in first attempt, cpt – ipcc – final ca – cfa level 1 – cfa level 2, internship with haribhakti, management trainee at idea until an unexpected shock for first time in my life. Flunked CFA level 3 and just couldn’t take it. I was devastated. It was my first set back in life on academic front. Felt very low for myself. Couldn’t console myself and had my share of crying (yes I cry a lot at times and when I have done lot of crying a force builds up, an internal voice starts ringing, zeal develops, new targets are fixed in my mind, I become oblivious to everything else..) like literally nothing could bring me at ease, give me comfort or sooth me, i started blaming myself for the poor performance, turned nearly into a psychopath inside never showing it outside, suppressing most of my feelings going on within, went silent, left many of the group’s on whatsapp. Denial to any mode of entertainment for initial months. Lost and gave up on few very good friends in the process. All the while wanting to stay aloof from everyone and going to office to do my work and get back home.

At one point in time I had decided to quit CFA and not appear for it ever again. Some how after 4 months when sanity prevailed I enrolled to appear again for the exam. This time it was a matter of prestige and I knew stakes were high. Fees is one part but reputation itself was at stake and I relentlessly prepared myself for it, had rigorous schedule for myself, nothing but for hardwork, leaving no line unexplained in all of those 5 books. I was lucky enough to have guidance and support from Pradeep Sir, Madhusudan Sir, OP Ji and entire Mumbai finance team who stood by me and kept faith in me and tolerated me during this tough phase of my life. (No this isn’t my farewell speech) But yes without you all it wouldn’t have been possible to achieve this goal and you all are equal owners of this success.

I had this superstition in mind that all my success came because of wearing a ring which my Dada had got for me. When I flunked CFA, first thing that I did was I took off the ring, made myself realize that there is no alternative to hardwork. From my personal experience i can say that smart work is like earning a quick buck or a jackpot in stock market whereas only and only hardwork can give you joy and a gurantee of achieving whatever you want to in life. So even if the road is tough and you are able to find a shortcut always choose a long cut. Remember that while you want to reach your destination, journey to the destination is what will count the most.

I am glad to have discovered few of my pillars who gave me strength to endure this journey.. my parents, my brother, shreyans, surbhi, aman, karishma. Thanks for your motivation and help and continue to be my pillars in future as well.

And lastly, what keeps me going ahead in life is this video !!!

~A Staunch Believer is now C.F.A. ❤ ❤ ❤

Expressing it “Anyway” !!

People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered.
~”Love them anyway”

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
~”Do good anyway”

If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
~”Succeed anyway”

The good you do today, will be forgotten tomorrow
~”Do good anyway”

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
~”Be honest and Frank anyway”

The biggest men and women with biggest ideas can be shot down by smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
~”Think big anyway”

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
~”Fight for few underdogs anyway”

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
~”Build anyway”

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
~”Help people anyway”

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
~”Give the world the best you have anyway”

To My Bestie..

“Our Story” – I couldn’t think of giving anything which would have been better than this one for you deserve to get the best.

This is the tale of two of us. Our journey began from same school and though we hardly knew each other by then except for our names but that was enough for us to get it going together from the very first day at NM. I vividly remember the first day of college and since then the index of our friendship has only grown and that to such an extent that it would have yielded highest of returns had it been listed on the stock exchange.


One of the Best Memories into my collection way back from FYJC.. Today when I look back, I can’t thank enough to the force that got us connected. We were the perfect of students in college (and many of them hated us for it then and some even hate us upto now, I don’t know why I ranted this irrelevant thing) anyways that was the way in which we grew up. We were destined to be sincere, hardworking, diligent, dedicated, respecting teachers, hardly bunking college, not taking any of the coaching but self-studying everything in library. So on academic front we had the highest levels of enthusiasm as we sat together on front benches for whole two years (damn, it brings tear to my eye that we sat on front benches for two long years) and obviously got decent grades in examinations. We were typical nerds so as to say and it always helps in admitting to the truth and being honest.

All this I say today, gives me an immense satisfaction that I had your company. You were like torch bearer/leader/guide, whom I simply had to follow in order to reach my destination. Having you around made it look so very simple and whenever I would go astray from acads it got me my momentum and brought me on the right track again.

Time did increase the distance and intervals of our meeting, but technology surely  stepped in to rescue our bonding, discussions as well as regular updates of what’s going on in each of our lives as you geared yourself for BMS and then MBA whereas me chasing BCOM and CA. It’s so so so heartening and I am so glad that we achieved and conquered our goals that we aimed for ourselves. Kudos to us !!

It was all worth it. The most striking similarities between us being, both of us are simple, workaholic and honest guys, we ain’t not addicted to drugs, alcohol and the entire list right upto even a sada paan or tea, a strong zeal to give it a shot to best of our abilities and capabilities, passionate about our dreams, competitive and trying to constantly improve and excel in whatever we do, kind and helpful nature, love for family and many many more. These common traits give us synergies and serve as catalyst in charting our friendship to an all time newer high levels.

You really make me feel proud with all your achievements and I am sure this trend is to continue and at an even faster pace as you step out in the big league at J P Morgan.


*Please note we have only 2 snaps together (in more than 8-9 years now), but that doesn’t undermine the best of memories which we have shared together*

Umang Khetan wishing you all the very best in professional career as I welcome you in this next phase of life.

A Staunch Believer

Our Dad, Our Hero !!

My parents play a pivotal role in our lives. It is often hard to tell them, or express gratitude for everything that they do. Dad in particular, you are really special. You have shown us so much and have done so much that sometimes it is hard to find the right words to say We love you. Your 50th  birthday is one of the occasion where we want to say this to you,

Dad, you are the one who –

Supports us, Motivates us,
Guides us, Corrects us,
Trusts us, Believes in us,
Laughs with us, Listens to us,
Advises us, Understands us,
Loves us, Protects us,
Solves our problems,
Gives us strength,
Gives us wisdom,
Helps us to grow,
Inspires us…

In short brings out the best in us,
You mean the WORLD to us.

Love You Dad & Wish you a very happy 50th B’day !!

Your’s Shreyu & Pappu

A Staunch Believer

Wisps of strength..

Some days I don’t feel like being a warrior.

Those are the days that even the thought that I am the stuff of stars (exclamation mark), a child of the universe no less (double exclamation marks), fail to cut through the smog of existence. On the contrary, everything seems absurdly far-fetched. And the mere thought of an exclamation mark exhausts me.

And I get a little alarmed at this dark, murky creature that is me and wished I was brimming with robust strength and vim. For I remember a time when I was strong. Invincible. Solid as a mountain. Unwavering as a rock. Bright as a rainbow. A force to be reckoned with.

But, along the way, along the years and life’s unexpected twists and turns, it sometimes seems as if the unlimited storage of strength which I once possessed in massive bucketsful had but all been used up. And I feel a pang of remorse. For the loss of a very dear and wonderful thing.

And yet.

Yet, when I compare the bright, abundant strength of my younger self and mourn its loss, a new revelation dawned on me. These budding wisps of strength that I have in my possession today are no less worthy. They carry a value I have yet to fully appreciate and comprehend.

For the strength I felt in my youthful earnestness, like great tumbling waterfalls – was the strength of a child. It was a glorious, magnificent strength. The undisputable inheritance and hallmark of every human being. It was beautiful and triumphant and yet – it was also weak.

It was the proud, unbroken strength of the untried. A strength borne from a safe life.

I was reminded of this as I sat in quiet reflection one evening. As I recalled with a pinch of regret, the cup of strength that brimmeth over which once was mine.

And just as I was feeling a tad maudlin at the scraps of strength that seem to be in my possession lately, I could not but stop to remember just how much bravery and guts and spunk had been put into making it so far.

That what I have now, from a lifetime of big and small moments, having tasted both sweetness and bitterness – these, these wisps of strength that now inhabit me, are banners. They are testament to having lived. And died. Of being lost. And found. Of being in slumber. And being awakened.

These are the wisps of strength that had withstood the battering rams of life. This is strength that have matured and come into season. And far from being scornful of the strength that now inhabit me, I am grateful. And I am humbled.

For nobody knows your battles as well as you do. Nobody knows the hidden trials of your heart. Nobody knows how that bucket of strength got depleted. Nobody knows the sacred work of transformation that is taking place within the essence of your soul.

To all you warriors out there who are feeling tired and a little battle-weary. Sometimes, strength is not measured by great big bucketsful. Nor by grand acts of valour. But by the tiny wisps of strength of a kind word. A warm smile. A heart stripped of envy. A life lived in quiet integrity.

Now that is strength unalloyed.

A Staunch Believer

Lonavala-Kamshet-Karla – A Memorable Trip !!

#fantastic-four #few-hours-of-planning #fuel-tank-full #four-in-the-morning #2.5-hour-fast-and-long-drive #chilling-winter #fully-loaded-with-food-&-wollens #empty-roads #entering-tunnels #feeling-as-if-nfs-came-alive #reached-lonavala-at-6 #garma-garam-chai-nashta #superb-climate #pagal-panti-in-middle-of-the-road #scenic-beauty-at-it’s-best #sunrise #lion’s-point #lots-of-pics #splendid-bubbles #monkeys-snatching-our-waffers #happy-and-veryhappy-faces #feeling-alive #photos-and-even-more-photos #shivering #morning-walks-with-lots-of-talks #different-shadows #wax-museum #poses-and-pics #unending-selfies #dramebaazi #lunch #pav-bhaji #thepla-chutney #enroute-kamshet #reach-our-destination #waiver-bond #at-our-own-risk #paper-work-done #atop-the-mountain #tuti-futi-ride #butterflies-in-stomach #trekking-in-forest #anxious-for-paragliding #thinking-about-life-after-death #instructions-clear #first-to-go #ready-to-fly #feeling-scared #last-minute-call-at-home #3,2,1……run…and….gone !!! #too-good #temple-pilots #15-min-ride #1500-2000-feet-high #beautiful-kamshet #activities-in-air #once-in-a-life-time-experience #paisa-vasool #worth-every-bit #one-by-one-take-off-&-landing #feeling-accomplished #one-wish-of-bucket-list-complete #karla-caves #up-the-hillock #we-find-our-perfect-evening-spot #sunset #fruits #return-back #safe-driving #fine-dining #friends-forever #a-day-well-spent #yeh-yuhin-chalta-rahe !!! #out-of-words #may-be-pics-will-do-remaining-justice…




































A Staunch Believer

Random Sunday thoughts !!

I wasn’t going to post this morning, but as per my usual addictive nature, I could not stay away !


I’m getting pickier. In little ways, and in big ones too.

Maybe that’s what happens when you get older and when the crankiness starts to set in. But instead, I like to think that it’s a byproduct of getting to know myself, and (finally) learning how to start loving myself – at least a little bit. Enough to say: No, that’s not what I want. That’s not ok for me. I am worth more than that.

Like, I won’t buy shitty dairy-milk anymore just to save a few rupees. Do you know how much I love to munch cadburys? It’s one of the best parts of my weekends. So I want the good stuff whenever I can get it.

I’m getting rid of things like crazy, too. I recently donated about half my clothing – if it didn’t fit, or if it didn’t fit well(like, if it technically fit but I’d spend most of the day tugging at it, yanking it up, or pulling it out of my ass) – it got donated. Anything that was just ‘meh’? Gone. I only want stuff that I actually like. Why has it taken me so long to understand that?

It felt so amazing to let it all go. It actually felt as though I had gained something throughout the process.

And I’m becoming especially careful about how I spend my time now, too. I’m learning how to say ‘no’ to invitations for things that would be draining, stressful or otherwise un-enjoyable. Because life is so incredibly short. Why has it taken me so long to understand that one, too? If I’m lucky, I might have, what, 25 or 30 good years left? I can’t afford to waste any of it. We can’t ever get any of that time back.

And people. Relationships. My circle’s gotten smaller in the past few years, and I’ve struggled a lot with that because I created a story about what that meant – a story where I simply wasn’t good/smart/fun/funny/kind/________ enough for people to want to be friends with me. But once I started to pull that story apart, the truth was that I’d actually self-selected out of some of the relationships I’d been in, many of which were unbalanced, unstable, or unhealthy in some way. Most of these relationships involved a lot of pointless drama and this sort of sneaky, casual negativity that managed to slip into every conversation. Looking back, it’s not exactly a mystery why I’d leave these interactions feeling drained and pessimistic. But, I figured, at least I had friends!

Yeah, that’s not ok with me anymore.

Because in the relationships I build now, I know what I want. And in a small way, I’m starting to understand what I deserve – and to really believe that I do deserve better than what I’ve had.

My friends are real. As in authentic, not as in ‘not-imaginary.’( I’m not ready to let go of my imaginary friends yet.)

My friends and I thrive on silliness, joy and celebration, but we are also able to wade through the darkness and the muck together – and to help each other find the way out, when needed. We don’t run away when things get scary.

But my friends don’t create bonds where it becomes about me “saving” you or you “saving” me, because that’s not healthy. My friendships are not built on the premise that one of us needs to be “broken.” And I will not break for you. A real friend would not expect me to.

My friends don’t care about all the ways in which I’m fucked up – and they’re honest about the all ways in which they’re fucked up – because we are ALL fucked up in our own special, magical ways, and it helps to talk about it. (And it’s usually really funny to talk about it, too.)

When we are together, my friends and I become something more than just the sum of our parts. We create partnerships where we help each other to become the truest, highest, and most self-actualized versions of ourselves. Our connections allow us to accomplish things together that we may never have achieved on our own.

And in our friendships, there is love. We have love for each other, yes, but not only that – we also learn to fall more in love with ourselves.

(Because I like the ‘me’ I am when I am with you, and you like the ‘you’ that you are when you are with me. That is what friends bring out in each other.)

There is not a lot of time left, friends.

This is what we deserve.

A Staunch Believer

23rd !!

Dear All,

Thank-you so much for the birthday wishes in all its forms !! Greeting cards, Phone calls, WhatsApp’s, Facebook, Messages, Coming over to give me jhappis and pappies, bring cakes, gifts, dubsmash and so much more..

It indeed was a memorable one for me and would be cherished forever.

*snaps are mandatory*
















































A Staunch Believer

My life – A treasure of Flawless Imperfections !!

Welcome to last of my posts of the season (obviously until I am back with a bang) Yes third year in a row now, its gonna be a six months devoted to books, study modules, handwritten notes bla bla bla & hibernating period for readers who munch my little blog in their free time.

All I want for is a life under control. A time and a place where all around me is calm, where even the very air around me vibrates with harmonious peace. Where, as far as my eyes can see, as far as my mind can reach, no fires rage out of control for me to fight back. No storms loom on the distant horizon, silently brewing, waiting to catch me unaware and send my life tumbling and twisting along, often back along the very paths I’ve already fought to forge at least once before, while lightning strikes at my feet like a viper ready for a tasty meal. No worry, no crisis, no trouble rumbling to stir up volcanoes long ago silenced.

Ahhh. The infamous “perfect” moment in time when everything is exactly right. That ever elusive moment I so desperately seek, so sure that once I find it all will be forever wonderful. I long for it, yearning from the bottom of my heart to the very depths of my soul. And still it manages to slip away from me, sliding from my grasp like water. The closer I get, the further it seems to go, impishly dancing farther away while staying just enough in view to taunt me with the possibilities and then evaporating without warning like a mirage of a desert oasis. And so it goes, over and over, a testament to both my foolishness and my determination.

What I have realized is that, even if I find it, if I somehow manage to capture that perfect shining moment of absolute rightness, it will only be just that–a moment. As precious and amazing as it is rare, but altogether fleeting, usually escaping me again before I even fully realize what I have in my hands. As quick as I find it, off it flits again to dance through the air, floating off into the distance, becoming only a moment that has now passed, leaving me still holding the pieces of an altogether imperfect existence.

In the end, that collection of imperfect, flawed moments is the heart and soul of my story, the sheer essence of my life well-lived. It is not perfect and, often, it is not even pretty. Mixed in with beauty and joy is plenty of pain, heartache and anger. Yet from these moments, flawed though they may be, grow my hope, my faith and my love, grows the chance to create a life that is perfectly mine. I now know that best life is not one which is perfect but the one that takes the imperfection around and chooses to polish it until it shines like the brightest of stars glowing in the night sky and then cherish it for what it is–a treasure of flawless imperfection as unique and rare as me.

Few words but worth a million memories !!!

Yes so here is one for you… Yes you, You know it who !! 

Well no more a part of it (sigh!) but one last time.. Each word in itself has multiple stories which will take a very very very long time to forget.. Here goes the list :-
It would be unjust if it doesn’t start with this


#bhaijaan #cbm #god #annaidli #mayurasur #curlyfriend #LLL #LKLG #ajs #ritz #nips #kotu #roflmax #apraampaar #fastest #kakakkkkakakaka #hareshbhai #goddhana #frenchbabu #nunni #babloo #badig**** #goti #bhabhikopaylagu #belowthebelt #statistics #fact #dummy #upardekhle #tatamotors #attendance #niggah #politics,news,sports,padhaidoubts,girls,anydamntopic  #waah…..waah #chootusanyone #hariomtonight #bazooka #IB #chaddi #dongs #andy #rachu*** #knownforgivingsurprises #raatpali #deardaarupila #boisar #kalundre #nss #vasvada #peebreak #onewhoshouldntbenamed #gogogo #cmon #noobda #24*365active #700+msgs #koihai ##respect #congo…… #kaisanba #ultimate #kyahagahaiyeh #yaaronsambhalnazindagi……..nabanjaye #** #*** #****** #********** #**************** #********************* #****************************** #”removed” 

I am glad this group happened to me and helped me vent out lot of my frustration and this post is my payback in return for all the good, bad, best and worst times.. Thanks for bearing all these while!! These are few of the best memories which shall be ringing in my head for a long long time.. Times change, People change, Priorities change, Friends change but I wish and pray that this WhatsApp group remains the same (yeh bhankas yun hi chalti rahe)

Umm last few lines,
इक  बात  होंटों  तक  है  जो  आई  नहीं
बस  आँखों  से  है  झांकती
तुमसे  कभी , मुझसे  कभी
कुछ  लफ्ज़  हैं  वोह  मांगती
जिनको  पहनके  होंटों  तक  आ  जाए  वोह
आवाज़  की  बाहों  में  बाहें  डालके  इठलाये  वोह
लेकिन  जो  यह  इक  बात  है
अहसास  ही  अहसास  है
खुशबू  सी  है  जैसे  हवा  में  तैरती
खुशबू  जो  बे-आवाज़  है
जिसका  पता  तुमको  भी  है
जिसकी  खबर  मुझको  भी  है
दुनिया  से  भी  छुपता  नहीं
यह  जाने  कैसा  राज़  है
जब  जब  दर्द  का  बादल  छाया
जब  ग़म  का  साया  लहराया
जब  आंसू  पलकों  तक  आया
जब  यह  तनहा  दिल  घबराया
हमने  दिल  को  यह  समझाया
दिल   आखिर  तू  क्यूँ  रोता  है
दुनिया  में  यूँही  होता  है
यह  जो  गहरे  सन्नाटे  हैं
वक़्त  ने  सबको  ही  बांटे  हैं
थोडा  ग़म   है  सबका  किस्सा
थोड़ी  धूप  है  सबका  हिस्सा
आँख  तेरी  बेकार  ही  नम  हैं
हर  पल  एक  नया  मौसम  है
क्यूँ  तू  ऐसे  पल  खोता  है
दिल  आखिर  तू  क्यूँ  रोता  है…

A New Perspective !

Life is too short to waste it on regrets, bitterness and what-ifs. I used to wonder how to be happy with the life which I am given even though it’s far from perfect. What I failed to understand at those times was how fortunate I was when compared to others. I didn’t have that many problems in life but those I had, always dragged me down. The need to be alone, to close-off from everyone around you, to lose yourself in darkness wasn’t the way to deal with my problems.

Life is a test to humans and I believe if we could cruise through it with grace and dignity we can all win. The problems are not the issue. The way you deal with them helps you find the peace. So what I have problems, everyone does. I accept this as the way of life, deal with it and move on all the smile on my face intact and my heart calm. Face your challenges head-on and the rest will follow. We may not succeed in everything we do but trust yourself and have faith in yourself, then give your best to everything you do. Giving your 100 % to everything will bring a smile to your face and you would never have to think about the what-ifs.

Life is your friend and not your enemy and follow what matters to you and spend time with people who matter the most to you, make them happy and be selfless. The lessons we learn from our experiences are all that matters and keep the bad in the past and learn from it and move-on with your life. Don’t lose faith and never lose hope as you never know what’s around the corner. We have different expectations from life, people we care about and so on. What we need to remind ourselves is that there are people who care about us and they have expectations too. Make someone happy and you will find happiness too. It’s all about what you give and less about the take. Find the small things you take for granted and think if you didn’t have it what would you do. We often fail to admire the beauty and importance of things we have until its lost from us. Be happy with what you have and try to achieve happiness by doing something good.

~A Staunch Believer

Straight from the Heart !

Okay, this post was long running in my mind and I am glad it’s seeing the light of the day. People around teach us a lot of things but there are few lessons which stay within us for a long time, not because they are best ones but because they come from the ones that you never expected it from. Here are a few of mine.

I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.

I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back.

I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

I’ve learned that it’s not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts.

I’ve learned that you can get by on charm for about 15 minutes. After that, you’d better know something.

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best you can do.

I’ve learned that it’s not what happens to people that’s important. It’s what they do about it.

I’ve learned that no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides.

I’ve learned that it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I’ve learned that it’s a lot easier to react than it is to think.

I’ve learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I’ve learned that you can keep going long after you think you can’t.

I’ve learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I’ve learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I’ve learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place. (Amen to that!)

I’ve learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I’ve learned that learning to forgive takes practice.

I’ve learned that there are people who love you dearly, but just don’t know how to show it.

I’ve learned that money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I’ve learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.

I’ve learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back up.

I’ve learned that I’m getting more and more like my great grandpa, and I’m kinda happy about it.

I’ve learned that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel.

I’ve learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.

I’ve learned that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

I’ve learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.

I’ve learned that you should never tell a child her dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if he believed it.

I’ve learned that your family won’t always be there for you. It may seem funny, but people you aren’t related to can take care of you and love you and teach you to trust people again. Families aren’t biological.

I’ve learned that no matter how good a friend someone is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I’ve learned that it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I’ve learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn’t stop for your grief.

I’ve learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I’ve learned that sometimes when my friends fight, I’m forced to choose sides even when I don’t want to.

I’ve learned that just because two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. And just because they don’t argue, it doesn’t mean they do.

I’ve learned that sometimes you have to put the individual ahead of their actions.

I’ve learned that we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.

I’ve learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.

I’ve learned that no matter the consequences, those who are honest with themselves, get farther in life.

I’ve learned that many things can be powered by the mind, the trick is self-control.

I’ve learned that no matter how many friends you have, if you are their pillar, you will feel lonely and lost at the times you need them most.

I’ve learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don’t even know you.

I’ve learned that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.

I’ve learned that writing, as well as talking, can ease emotional pains.

I’ve learned that the paradigm we live in is not all that is offered to us.

I’ve learned that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

I’ve learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon.

I’ve learned that it’s hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.

I’ve learned that life is unfair to all. That’s what makes it fair.

My 23 Wishlists Before I complete 23!!!


MOSHI – MOSHI Universe….!!! lt feels so great to be back on this space 🙂 🙂 🙂

*Quick Updates* “Exam Over”, “Dengue gone”, “Weakness left”, “Office resumed”, “Madness to begin shortly”

Okay let’s get started.. Deferring period has expired and it’s time for some action. Didn’t get it? Well, I kept this auto-defferment option ON (like literally postponing), all my wish-lists would get filtered by this one question : “ Can this be done post 6th June 2015 ?” Even this blog post! Just can’t imagine how do I get such self-control before my exams, maybe now its deep-rooted in my DNA but yea now that is all behind and it’s time to get some life for myself.

I know it’s already late but as they say, “Better late than Never”, so these 23 things to be accomplished in remaining half of the year.

  1. To learn skipping : I fancy it so much when I see people skipping and always say to myself I too would do it someday.. now is the time..
  2. To visit Great Grand Parents : This has been so long overdue
  3. Watch 24 pending Movies : So all those movies which I had kept on backburners just because of some exam or the other, here is the time I would just watch each and every one of them #acche-din surely!!
  4. Complete 3 Novels – Fictions basically!! “Jo Nesbo – You are really irresistible!” I had read few pages in November and the What happened next curiosity still remains in my head. *This feeling itself is so awesome, I can read what I want to now*
  5. Revive Dancing : Godddd, I have by now forgotten all the learnt steps! I so so so wantu be back to dancing classes *sigh* Probably from September onwards !! *fingers crossed*
  6. Go shopping – Like literally I haven’t done it in a long time now. I don’t recollect when was the last probably that I shopped. Time to give cupboard some new look! Yaaaayyiiiiiii
  7. Learn Samaik Vidhi – Ohh yes this one has to be done, promises and secrets are meant to be kept!
  8. Travel 1 entire day in train : God forbid if I ever have to travel in Mumbai locals except for this one time. So one entire day in Mumbai locals covering all the 3 routes end to end *Western, Central & Harbour” – Surbhi plan a day and let me know! Success of this one relies on you J
  9. Go to Aqua-Imagica – Imagica was awesome and Aqua-Imagica toh ek baar banta hi hai !
  10. Long Drives after 11 @ night – Atleast twice.. I have missed them so much in these past months due to self-house-arrest!! *Hahaha*
  11. Kanheri Caves in Monsoons – this is always a thumbs-up!! Bikes! Rains! Waterfalls! Nature!
  12. A dabba-party dinner at Marine Drive ! I don’t know why dabba party specifically but wishlists don’t always have reason.. *They pop up like just*
  13. Clean up all my drawers and remove each and every book which has been lying for ages now… This probably would be on the next day on which results are out and I pass *hopefully*
  14. Hone up my cooking skills… I have lost touch since 2 years now!!
  15. Start learning a music instrument – either Piano or Guitar or Drums !! This I couldn’t do in school so probably now is the time..
  16. Complete my long pending blog posts.. don’t know why I started onto this post before completing them .. anyways some of them require immediate attention.
  17. Upgrade my music album – this would be more of an addition of latest songs only to my current existing list and yeah car speakers need some repairing too.. :p Such a lazy bum I have been !!!
  18. Take out cousins for a dinner – this is also long overdue #bada-bhai owes one to smarty sweetie cousins.
  19. Collect all my “Pics” and “Selfies” from friends and cousins… Damn my memory card got corrupt and didn’t have any back up, perhaps thanks to the filter question and auto deferment. *Jiske paas hai please don’t wait for me to ask* *saamne se watsapp karo !!*
  20. Go river rafting in Kolhad
  21. Attend 2 events of “The Positivity Project”
  22. Join a Gym.. Body building and muscles building *dole shole* Expect a new dabbang sturdy look in a year!
  23. Read this entire list once every 10 days and do some planning to complete them without disturbing the routine. *This is important, I don’t have any more paid leaves in my kitty*

So  3,           2,           1………. Hooooooooo jayeeeeeeeeeeee shooooru !!!


Bleed Blue !!!

In cricket, what better achievement can it be than defending the World cup,
It being our religion, shall always be a National thumbs up.

Memory of our victory in 1983 & 2011 will never fade,
We have opportunity to repeat the feat and further improve our grade.

One cannot but help feel a little nostalgic,
It would be really tragic if we don’t repeat last world cup’s magic.

That particular world cup had bequeathed on us Indians a legacy,
We again have a chance to show, winning for us is just not a fantasy.

It does not matter that the Australians are majority of the times World Champions,
You have already shown, Dhoni what you can do with your companions.

In fact, it seems that on your current form,
It would be a travesty of fate if in tomorrow’s match we don’t perform.

I personally want you to avenge for those 2003’s scars,
Show those Australians, that since then we have raised our bars.

After a gap of four years,
You are once again the object of the nation’s eyes and ears,
The whole country is ready to shed happy tears.

Whether in prose or poetry, let it be said aloud,
By winning the Semi-Final, you shall be making the whole country proud.

For you and some colleagues, this World cup may be your last,
Please ensure even memories do last.

Like the link? Yes do go ahead and share,
It’s a proud moment for us, Ohh Yes Abhi, I don’t care!!! ❤ ❤ ❤



I was sitting out in the sunshine, in the drawing room of my house. In my hand I had a pen, but it had not yet set into action, and the page before me was depressingly blank. The more I looked at it, the more anxious I became. Out of desperate frenzy, I filled in my immediate thoughts, but sensing that they would make no part of a reasonable story, I scratched out everything. Tore away the page and found myself face the blank page again.

Someone came to my table and snatched my pen away from me. And then, threw it away with an obscene wide-toothed smile. “Yooouuuu!” I snarled at my brother, whose very idea of humour was annoying me, or seeing me agitated, whichever came first. I ducked when he swirled his hand over to my head (his usual way of greeting me was to slap me hard at the back of my head).

“Whatcha doin?” He asked me.

“Idiot. I was writing.”

“I-was-writing” he mocked me in his sing-song tone. If there’s something I really hate about having younger sibling, it is having to put up with all the mockery. Him, he was crude, uncivilised, and extremely-allergic-to-any-kind-of-art, and him mocking at what I was doing was absolutely not bettering my mood in any way.

“You don’t understand” I irritatingly tried to dismiss him. In my mind, I am an artist whose tool is the pen and the paper my canvas.

“What I don’t understand” he continued “Is why you have to put up such a show. I’m writing, and everything. Why do you have to publish it? Can’t you keep it to only yourself? I mean, look at you, you hold your pen as if it were a paintbrush and you’re painting a masterpiece or something. I know you. I’ve read all that you’ve made me read, and comment on.” He laughed rather cruelly.

Sensing my immense annoyance and displeasure, he continued on “Umm ok, I think you are being a bit of a snob when you write, stringing together tough words and complicated phrases, even when you don’t feel about something strongly.”

“You’re being totally rude.” I said almost tearfully. It is one thing for people to be honest when they talk to you, it is another for them to be so blatantly honest that you reduce them to tears. I don’t remember him ever being polite to me, and in reality this extremely clever shreyu of mine had not done any damage. He had simply read my mind, almost as easily as one would read a book. He is one of those people whom you wish had a more complex side to themselves, the way they are wired. Simple, frank, with nothing to hide. But at times like these, when he makes me think, I wonder if he might be hiding a truly insightful person behind that easy-going and nonchalant person he generally seems to be.

There’s this conception, that a person writes only when he ‘feels strongly’ about something. That is true, but only to a very small extent. It is like, contenting yourself with fruit juice when you cannot have dessert. Nevertheless, it is something. But in recent times, anything that I wrote gave me the sense of completion I desire. When you write something you read it, and you feel the correctness of your words, the honesty it reflects, with this writing becomes liberating. I perhaps thought to myself, “he is too young to understand this at the moment”, as I steadied to my room.

As for me when I write, and someone out there is reading me, and our minds resonate with the same frequency, I have somewhere succeeded in implanting an idea, however tainted, however phony, however heavily borrowed as he may call it, but yes, it is a tiny success for me.

And this is perhaps all I need, to fill up another page with my writing.

Good, Better…

A few days ago, a friend read some old and some new posts on my blog and shared his feedback. While he had a few good things to say about the content on my blog, he pointed out some posts which could have been better.

Now, I really love to know how my writing on the blog is perceived by readers. To understand his view point and suggestions, I read the posts he had critiqued and appraised. And while I was on the reading spree, I read a lot of my posts again. And as I read, one post after the other, I realized that what I try to do is write. I may write for two weeks ‘the cat sat on the mat, that is that, not a rat,’…. And it might be just the most boring and awful stuff. But I try. When I’m writing, I write. And then it’s as if the muse is convinced that I’m serious and says, ‘Okay. Okay. I’ll come.

Some of my earlier posts are truly groan-worthy and I wondered, ‘What was I thinking when I wrote such posts?’. I had half a mind to remove these embarrassingly poor posts, but then ‘sanity’ prevailed and I thought that such posts would serve as reminder to do better and also may be to chart the writing journey!

And yes, some posts are truly spectacular. LOL, this sounds so narcissist! After reading these ‘truly spectacular’ posts, I had this happy grin on my face which lasted for a long time and a sort of nihilism resulting in speaking aloud, “Did I write that??”
I believe, the more you do something, the better you get at it. This holds true for our writing too. The consistency in writing will ultimately result in better health of grey cells and thus better creative thoughts and ideas. And also, when one makes writing a habit, it comes easier and faster. These 2 observations have been proven right as I type this post.

How has been your writing journey? Do you think the more you write, the better you get?


The Woman in your life !!!

Hellos my amigos!! Lately life has come back to routine and I finally have a laptop to express myself (How dearly I waited for it *4 months* *Sigh*)  This post is on a very serious note and it has undergone umpteen revisions before being posted.

Tomorrow you may get a working woman, but then you should marry her with these facts as well.

Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are;

Who is earning almost as much as you do;

One, who has dreams and aspirations just as you have because she is as human as you are;

One, who has never entered the kitchen in her life just like you or your sister haven’t, as she was busy in studies and competing in a system that gives no special concession to girls for their culinary achievements;

One, who has lived and loved her parents & brothers & sisters, almost as much as you do for 20-25 years of her life;

One, who has bravely agreed to leave all that behind, her home, people who love her, to adopt your home, your family, your ways and even your family name. One, who is somehow expected to be a master-chef from day #1, while you sleep oblivious to her predicament in her new circumstances, environment and that kitchen. One, who is expected to make the tea, first thing in the morning and cook food at the end of the day, even if she is as tired as you are, maybe more, and yet never ever expected to complain; to be a servant, a cook, a mother, a wife, even if she doesn’t want to; and is learning just like you are as to what you want from her; and is clumsy and sloppy at times and knows that you won’t like it if she is too demanding, or if she learns faster than you;

One, who has her own set of friends, and that includes people at her workplace too, those, who she knows from school days and yet is willing to put all that on the back-burners to avoid your irrational jealousy, unnecessary competition and your inherent insecurities;

Yes, she can enjoy and dance just as well as you can, but won’t, simply because you won’t like it, even though you say otherwise

One, who can be late from work once in a while when deadlines, just like yours, are to be met;

One, who is doing her level best and wants to make this most important, relationship in her entire life a grand success, if you just help her some and trust her;

One, who just wants one thing from you, as you are the only one she knows in your entire house – your unstinted support, your sensitivities and most importantly – your understanding, or love, if you may call it.

But not many understand this…

Please appreciate “HER

The Ummmm-da-vad Chapter !!!

I am back with some wonderful experience of vibrant Gujarat. Dear Mumbai, I really missed you a lot, but that is a story which can wait for some opportuned time. So crispy masala first and foremost. 14th November 2014, marked the end of stunning week long corporate induction followed by some leg pulling by CA MT’s of 2010 batch in the “Welcome on board party” organised at Orchid Hotel. Well induction will remain one of an experience which none of us would ever be able to forget. 5 days was merely a listening week. Corporate heads from various verticals bombarded their 12-15-18-20 years of experience of working in ABG Group and Idea Cellular in particular. We were briefed on the history of the company, mergers and acquisitions and journey so far. Gearing us up for the big challenge ahead while laying emphasis on values & at the same time covering nitty gritties of humongous telecom industry they were just the domain experts of their subjects, yet the humbleness, the willingness to constantly improve, the hungry desire to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to change, doing things more efficiently, improving and further streamlining SOP’s in place and so on, All this combined together made me feel I was at right place and at right time.

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“Telecom” – the industry as such is giant, tough, very complex, highly regulated by DoT, TRAI, SEBI etc yet is evolving and rapidly growing. It hits onto the headlines for good, bad or notorious reasons in all forms of media every other day. Idea now with a Pan-India presence and maximum rural penetration is among the top 3 telecom companies in India & top 7 telecom players worldwide. In a sector of revenue size as big as 1,80,000 crores, and a CAGR of more than 22% YoY, the company has massive competitive advantages over other rivals like Airtel or Vodafone who are bleeding on either African operations, High leverage, Streched out balance sheet positions, Adverse Forex rates or retrospective taxation issues etc. Thus it is a big opportunity here to climb ladders of corporate success on personal front while eyeing to make company a dominant and most preferred network provider in the country in years to come. The space untapped in telecom is huge and potential is unlimited. Sky is the limit and there is no stopping or going back. With more and more data picking up and rapid shift towards 3G, internet, speed the momentum is currently unstoppable, more like a game of Temple Run. You keep running & collect coins, incentives, lives & speed. At the end of the day, once capacities are installed & are in place, just need to keep on adding more and more customers & enjoy economies of scale.

Today, since I have been born and brought up in Mumbai, the peculiar thing which everyone who lives here must have experienced like me is that on an average apart from the time that you sleep you are always online. Any one who has access to 3G enabled gizmo or a basic smart phone spends on an average 12 – 15 hours being connected to the network. Even if he/she isn’t using the network, the connectivity is there intact and after every 10-15 minutes he would look at least once at the screen to see if someone has texted him, liked or commented on facebook, received a mail or the % completion of song that has been kept on download so on and so forth. Imagine a single day when you forget your phone at home. You become so restless, so irritated, constantly your mind is thinking about the phone. Okay one more thing, people have the habit of doing all things only by one hand as their other hand is busy scrolling on the phones ( I get regular taunts on this from my mom at breakfast ! and rest need not be explained :p ) So now you can easily understand the kind of potential I am ranting about. Cellphones have become an extended part of our body and require battery and network to feed and function. So more efficient your network multiplier effect and extra brownie points for you.

This is too streched a post but can’t help it. Hope it’s making sense and not dull. Okay, 14th November at 4 o’ clock in the evening, envelopes with our fates sealed for next month were handed over to us. Imagine, a notice shorter than 24 hours saying, “Next day at 13:00 hrs be present at the Airport, lest you miss the flight.” It’s like that. You never know what’s coming up next and what might come in future. At first, I thought it was a horror movie which came up live. I being a pampered kid, having to manage my self on my own without my support system (my darling mom !) this thought itself was very disturbing. How do I now manage? So many twists and turns along with pan-India posting suspense yet not revealed, it came on to my nerves. However an unusual sort of advise from dad to step out of my comfort zone and make the experience count, got me going. He told me that I needed a break and it’s just a matter of a month. (This is unusual from Dad :D) So with whatever best I could manage in 3-4 hours got my stuff packed and without saying final goodbye to most of you’ll left for the airport. (Seriously was short on time! I am landing back today to meet you all instantly! Never know where this Jawan would be posted next :p) Karishma, Gaurav, Kalpesh & me boarded Jet Connect to see ourselves land at Ahmedabad in an hour. It was raining (No wait, it was drizzling!!) Climate was theropautic & soothing. Soon driver dropped us at the guest house. It was sort of a bungalow in the middle of a tropical ever green forest. I so so loved the place. A perfect setting in a coolio atmosphere. I was simply happy happy (no reason for it #completely-random) Being a rainy saturday we stayed back indoors, watched movies. Next day was sunday & we visited a fair in the evening. It was an ooh la la experience. Some thrill, some masti, chat, popcorn, cold drinks and ohhh yes buddhi ke baal. Muaaah. Mazza aa gaya. Some super fun fun-filled and thrilling moments. I remember the last time when my parents took me to a fair was like a decade back. But this fair was unusual and one of it’s kind. We returned to guest house with lots of memories and snaps.

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Come Monday and CFT Training started. Entire stint was very well structured. Met our HR Spoc. A not so pleasing personality in the beginning by her first impression. Got our ID Cards, Desktops, E-mail IDs, New Idea Sim card (without the new sim, I had almost lost all the connectivity, thanks to Loop Mobile & its pains of porting out) There were lots of welcoming for us into Idea Gujarat by HR head, Finance Head etc. Well at the outset, entire stint was planned in such a manner that we get an in depth insight into other verticals of the company like Sales, Marketing, Networks, HR, Service Delivery, IT, Commercials and how our vertical i.e. Finance is connected with each vertical. So in each vertical we first had briefing by the respective heads of the vertical followed up by detail briefing given by their team on various aspects, resolving our doubts, followed up by an activity or a project, which involved either going into the market at distributors point, retailers point, My Idea Stores, Company Retail Showrooms, Competitors stores, Conducting survey, Visit to MSC & BSC, Visit to call center etc and presentation of the final outcome/key learnings of the activity conducted  or undergone by us.

So not going into much specifics of each stint, though all of them were very good and had some or the other new learnings, the impact which Sanjay Sophat Sir, Head of Marketing – Gujarat Circle was unmatchable. The horizon and what telecom would look like in future years to come made me love this sector manifold. To summarize and cut long story short, “Communication Revolution is a major enabler for Indian economy. Where do you classify a telecom industry? Is it Infrastructure Company ? – No ; Is it FMCG industry ? – No ; Is it service industry ? – No ; Is it manufacturing industry ? – No. So then what is it ? Well it requires CAP-EX greater than infrastructure companies, requires outlets and channels more than FMCG companies, it does not have a tangible product (all you can see is those bars showing strength of the signal!), requires you to give lot of services in forms of call centers, signalling challenges, storage issues i.e. you cannot store network and if not utilized then is a waste, requires you to manufacture lot of sim cards and paper recharge coupons thus requires techniques of manufacturing industry also. Thus all in all its a unique industry and is a combination of sales plus service model. Connectivity in today’s life is a drug. It has tremendous power. It is backbone of all other sectors and be it Mr. Ambani or a common XYZ, everyone has benefited out of it. Imagine no telecom just for a 10 day period and what will happen? It has power greater than that of Tsunami for that matter. Telecom is a need generic product and not a exclusive product which can be consumed by few. This revolution has to stay if we have to become a super power, or continue with India shining campaign and so on. Future of Sim technology after covering the head count is to penetrate into gadgets and machines. Time is not far away when you will be opening your car doors or home doors using sim enabled technologies, or switching on of of your car’s ac’s sitting inside your cabins so that after 10 minutes when you reach to the car its cool inside, instructing your microwave oven at home to keep some food ready once you have sat into the car and are driving back home. So even if a fraction of this technology seeps in, imagine the kind of potential that is in store ahead.” Isn’t this fascinating ? It sounds like Na-Mo giving promises to develop the country, ain’t it ?

So practically for a month, I minutely observed how business is being managed and conducted at Gujarat Circle. What is the role of each vertical and how are things being done by the staff under each sub-vertical. After going through the network stint, I realized the importance of engineers. As for me, previously I had this notion that you can run a business properly if you have control on money and understand the basics of other processes but that is not the fact. Have you ever thought what happens when you make a call to someone? No, why would you ever have to think about it when you are simply connected to the person whom you are trying to call within few seconds. So this is what happens inside a network when you initiate a call in those few seconds. 1. Verification is done whether you are a legitimate idea customer or not. 2. What kind of customer you are ? i.e. prepaid or postpaid 3. Are you currently calling from a local place or whether you are in roaming 4. Do you have sufficient balance to make the call or not ? 5. Whom are you trying to call ? 6. What is his current location ? 6. Whether the person you are trying to call is available, busy on another call or switched off or out of network ? 7. Whether he is an Idea user or any other user ? If idea user then tariff will be different as compared to a non-idea user. 8. What type of call is it ? i.e. STD, ISD, Local 9. If person calling and person to whom call is made are moving say in a train or car then call has to be handed over from one BTS to another (Base trans-reciever station! It is the equipment that you see mounted on the buildings) 10. Duration of the call has to be captured 11. Appropriate call cost has to be calculated based on duration of the call. 12. Amount has to be reduced from the balance 13. Message stating the call cost and balance left out has to be sent to the customer. There are lot more technical aspects but these are general ones that take place in those few seconds. All this happening in real time, billions of minutes being handled on continuous basis 24 * 7, 365 days a year with 100% accuracy. Never am I charged for someone else’s call. No room for any mistake. #All this is possible due to brilliant engineers. Take a bow! #respect is an understatement. You guys are more powerful than RAJNIKANT. I did regret my decision of somehow not taking up science as there were lots of technicalities which were so complex that they sounded greek and latin. This, I am saying is not to undermine the intellect of C.A. (Well, K. M. Birla is a C.A. #just – saying! :p)

Ahem! Enough about Telecom. What was Ahmedabad like for me ? It was a one of it’s kind experience. I have never been all by my own for 30 days at a strech in 22 years of my life & never ever celebrated my birthday away from my family *Yes! Like Never* So it was very usual for me to be homesick for initial few days but hang on, I so dearly miss the city as only the memories remain. (*Pause          #Nostalgia*      ) Satellite, Prahalad Nagar, Anand Nagar, Vejalpur Market, C.G. Road, Shivranjani, Navrangpura, Kalupur, Vastrapura, Gurukul Road, S.G. Highway, Makarba Rd, Ellis Bridge, Paldi, Jodhpur Gaam, Shyamal Char Rasta, Kankaria, Sabarmati etc, infact it seems that entire Ahmedabad is now on tip of my fingers and all routes are perfectly registered in my head. Ever if you get stuck then just call me and you will have an insta-help. (Wait ! Better use Google maps rather than bothering me!)

A To do list incase you ever find yourself at Ahmedabad would be :-

1. Visit Parth Bungalows and taste delicacies prepared by Raju Bhai. (Give my reference else he won’t prepare it to that perfection :p *this is if you want to have a taste of desi ghar ka JAIN food*

2. Visit Prahalad Nagar Garden in the early mornings. Some nice fitness freak ahmedavadis will encounter you. But the main intention is to drink Nariyal Pani. (You can have 3-4-5…… as much as your stomach allows you to have. I had 4 in a go twice or thrice.) Its that yummy and refreshing. Yeah! don’t forget to typically ask him for Patla Malai.

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3. Sit in a shuttle auto rickshaw. You can still have an auto ride of nearly 2 kms  just for Rs 5. A thing which you can’t even dream of in Mumbai (Thanks to the maskas we Mumbaikars give to autowalas) Also a peculiar thing which I noticed was that they don’t discriminate a passenger on basis of gender. The other day, I happened to visit college and same old story at Vile-Parle station. Felt like pack my bag and take the next flight to Ahmedabad.

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4. Hangout and settle for some exotic Gujarati thalis at Toran dining & Sasuji. They got excellent service and lavish and sumptous food. Paisa Vasool to the last morsel. Ohh Yes, don’t forget to keep some place reserved in the belly for 2-3 glasses of buttermilk (*Chaas sounds too much gujju* *whatever*) Bas khate jaao , khaate jaao aur khaate jaao, until and unless you are over full and can’t take in anymore.

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5. If you sight a Havemore, just go and have it ! Try different flavors each time. Entire range is awesome. Ek Se Badhkar Ek.

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6. Don’t miss-out on Pani puri & Chilled Kesar Pista Milkshake whenever at Shyamal Char Rasta Junction.

7. If you want to try out on Punjabi or North Indian food then Jassi de Parathe is the place to be. Kadak & Dhasu ambiance ! Mouth Watering Desi Makkhan !! Umm yum yum. Also you can go to Ikobo – if you want to have Italian, Mexican or Chinese. Kisi bakre ko dhundh lena who is ready to give b’day treat, (just like these people got hold of me *hehe*) It’s kinda thoda expensive but yeah you shouldn’t miss it :p You might also want to have a bite in Utsav and Honest. Both are equally good. You can order A-la-Carte over here!

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8. Don’t miss speed boat ride while visiting Kankaria. 200 bucks for a 1 minute ride is totally worth it. Also don’t miss the sunset view in the evening. Preferably go on a Sunday as if you are on a picnic. It will be more fun.

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9. Visit Jain temples. They have some excellent carvings and rare ancient idols. In all there are some 8-9 of them.

10. Visit Alfa One Mall, the biggest mall of Ahmedabad located in Vastrapura. Also if you are lucky and have an opportunity to visit IIM-A Campus, do go for it. I was extremely lucky to have a visit inside the campus. An IIM student, completely stranger to me, escorted me and showed the entire campus. That’s the spirit of Ahmedabad. People are way too kind & supportive and make you feel very comfortable.

11. Sit in a BRTS and stroll around the city. City has some well planned public transport system which functions effectively. An unusual thing in Indian context but yes I do take pride in it. Exclusive lanes for public transport in the center of the roads is rare to find.

12. Reside in Orchid White Field on 12th Floor all alone for a day doing nothing or practically anything that you love to do. Well as for me, I loved to waste my time over here. Whenever I get a lot of me-time (usually i don’t get it much) i simply love to waste my time. This gave me lots of insights into what was happening in my “LIFE” This may sound too philosophical but somehow you should experience this isolation by yourself. Just go completely off for a day. Bare minimum use of words both verbal and on whatsapp. You, yourself, your thoughts, complete silence, one room or a balcony, simply you and your peace of mind. It teaches you a lot of things. Its truly magical. You connect to your inner energies and come out very strong. You get sense of your existence. Just the feeling that is depicted in ZNMD when Hrithik Roshan returns after deep sea diving. Its phenomenal. A source of happiness gets installed in your system.

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13. You can keep messing up with “Sanjay Pandey” and “Sachin Kaul” until and unless you have something sensible to talk. This I think only Karishma & Kalpesh you will understand *ha ha ha ha ha – ruk ruk ke*

14. Have loud music & dance party almost every night and crack cheap jokes almost any time even post 10. Neighbors won’t mind and won’t complain. Something which you cant do in Mumbai. Also watch hilarious pretentious movie reviews.

15. I typically missed having garam garam fafda jalebis, but you should try it. I have heard they are awesome.

16. Visit serene and peaceful Sabarmati Ashram along with Sabarmati river front. Take lovely snaps. Revive Ahinsa within you. Charge yourself with high morals, deeds and virtues. Remember our freedom fighters and their sacrifices. Spend an evening chit chatting in the garden beneath the sky, amidst chirping birds, cold breeze and swaying of trees. A very unconventional but unique birthday experience.

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17. Go out on a bike post 12 just to have a look of the mesmerizing city at night and feel the cold gush of wind across your face. I was lucky to experience this whilst going to railway station at 4 in the morning.

18. Incase you have that extra guts then dance in the board room to the tune of Aahun Aahun song. We were shameless that we even recorded it. Playing TT and Carrom in slightest of the free time that we used to get. Hahahahahahahahah itne kiideee ab shyaad hi life mein aage jaake kar payenge. This was certainly epic and memorable.

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This list can go on and on and on. I really am short on time as well as memory. But certainly this post would be incomplete if I don’t thank these wonderful idiots who were there along with me during the entire stint. Thanks a lot Karishma, Kalpesh, Gaurav, Prateek and Naman. These were few of the best days of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed your company and will miss it for the rest of my life. You all are really crazy people, collectively whom I call ” Ahmedabad Boys Group” :p Let the spirit burn always !!!

Don’t Have an “IDEA” , “GET INTO IDEA”

Well, I am so blessed that finally, I am back on this space. Today, I can’t stop myself from typing this post. Pheeeewwww Finally, I am out of the confusion mode that I was into since the past few weeks.

I am on the verge of beginning a new innings of my life. Last couple of weeks were full of painstaking moments. I was too frustrated with my own-self as I couldn’t take a decision. Unstructured questions take time to get solved. But the good thing is they require you to do a lot of brain-storming before coming to a conclusion and I am glad to have founded my preference. Which one to choose and which one to reject among to equally good but mutually exclusive jobs kept on lingering on my right cerebrum (back of my mind, hansa !! , right because I think my left becomes empty in such situations and wants to get as away as possible.. ) together with the sad feeling of quitting my association with MHFCL.

Okay! In a short span of 3 days less than a half-century, or 2 days less than duration of AAP Sarkar in Delhi (in short 47 days! :p) I got so used to in this organisation, it seemed (infact seems) that I was here since ages. I got V.S. Sir as my boss (Reporting Authority) but Sir made me feel so comfortable that I found him to be a companion and a guide rather than otherwise. Every-time when I took something on hand to work, I found myself not to be working but enjoying a game of candy crush where you have a sense of satisfaction on clearing a level and excitement & renewed vigor of taking onto the next level. I got some very good experience and basic insights into a Finance Industry, what it is all about ! Doing compliance work, liaising with consultants, chasing deadlines, playing with numbers in excel, immense sense of satisfaction and boost when Sir used to take my suggestions for establishing new procedures of doing things, dealing with auditors and much much more. Backing, Faith, Trust and Bonding which got developed just in span of short stint that Sir actually gave me his car to go back home alone by myself is unbelievable. I mean, i was a stranger just a few days back! Can you Imagine?

I was somehow happy even when it took me an hour and half in traffic to struggle and get back to home with clock usually showing up 9:30 or 10:00 P.M. along with a ever waiting face of my mom waiting for me to come back from work ( I used to hate late sittings previously ) because here something kept ticking me on. I attribute it to the responsibilities I was shouldering and faith Sir showed in me. After all, I was handling money & it sometimes ( most of the times) took me more time than usual.*I realized that I was no more an article whose work would be subject to review by seniors* Doing different sorts of work everyday, like approving vendor vouchers for payment, preparing and analyzing service tax liabilities, bucketing portfolio in various time buckets, preparing dyamic and structural liquidity reports, tax audit, assisting Rakesh sir on various counts accompanied by making end-use certificates for bankers were just a few things amongst plenty of servings that I got at MHFCL.

Then there came my first official fat salary pay cheque (no wait it was direct credit into my bank account!) on 31st October. And along with it came some awesome feelings of inexpressible happiness and joy. A sense of Achievement !! Silently slipping to the bank on the next day ( I hardly go to banks, thanks to online facility or my personal laziness! I hate going to banks somehow :p ) withdrew a bundle of fresh smelling 500 Rs notes, next few moments are few of the best things i have experienced in my life. I rushed back home as quickly as I could and surprised my Mom by giving her the entire bundle. This feeling is much beyond my vocabulary skills. Dad asking “Mera number kab aayega” and me quickly adding up ” Next month se sab aapka hi hai :p 🙂 ” Now if you haven’t done something of this sort & are reading this then, “Please ! Just do it and see how it feels” Simply amazing it is!

Finally, my last working day at MHFCL did come. Yes, i know that it was 31st Oct as the officially last working day but I kept on extending it till yesterday. Actually, I couldn’t say no to Sir. Knowing perfectly well that Sir needed me and would want me to continue as much as possible and I could have easily said NO. Yes, I wanted to go shopping, to watch movies, had other plans but still I chose to stick to the wicket for as long as possible. A big thank-you to you Sir, for being a chapter in my life. You were the best mentor & under your guidance I had opportunity of exploring lot of new things at MHFCL. I so dearly miss not having taken a selfie with you!! Probably next time!! It felt as if my innings here went upto the last ball of a very interesting cricket match & that I wrapped it with a perfect victory style sixering finish of M.S. Dhoni.

Finally not confused anymore. I did ask many times to myself, “Do you have any Idea of where you are heading yourself to?” And every-time the answer that used to come up was “NO IDEA” So finally I have concluded, “GET INTO IDEA”   A year long “Young Leadership Programme” awaits ahead of me from tomorrow. Dear experience, Be Nice 🙂 And obviously yes the first thing that I am doing after getting into IDEA is to port myself to IDEA. This loop network did irritate and screwed me up in past few days. Must Say “What an IDEA Sirjee!!” :p

Confused About Your Career ?

This is a long post!! Do you feel you are stuck? Are you not able to take a decision of what to do? How to go about finding right thing for yourself? If Yes – Read On..

Should I do C.A.? What is the difference between a business and entertainment lawyer and a defense attorney?

I want to work with kids. Should I be a teacher, a social worker, a pediatric doctor, or a camp counselor?

Is it better for me to get an MBA or just start my own business?

I have the training, but what’s my niche?

When you don’t know what it’s actually like to be in each job on a daily basis, everything blurs. To a novice, every mountain looks like the next. Plus, you too have an unreliable map that was made 20 years ago. Many people are training for career possibilities that will be obsolete in 10 years. So how are you supposed to choose? Now even technology is rerouting the trails and roads we’ve used for centuries. So how are you supposed to confidently invest in the education and training for a career that may not exist in a decade? Okay these are the questions that keep tossing in our heads frequently. So this is my attempt to surmise and put an end to such things that bogg the mind once and for all.

We put enormous pressure socially and financially on a 22 odd year old to have highly attuned internal guidance to make a decision that will determine the destination that we call destiny. Yet we don’t even legally allow them to decide whether they can have a glass of wine with dinner.

Does this make sense? No!

Okay, It’s no wonder that every day parents who are deeply concerned that their bright, talented child seems direction-less ask “Where did we do wrong?” This is so normal these days.

You are not alone if you feel lost in the woods with limited abilities to read the land, holding an unreliable old map, using a faulty compass.

It’s OK to Be Confused About Your Career

The sheer panic drops down on you when you feel lost and confused. Ah, man. I made a huge mistake. I’ve wasted all this time studying. How could I be so stupid!

Sounds familiar ? Any guess what I have to tell?

“Congratulations! You rock!  This is awesome!  What great opportunity you have now!”

Okay I say this now from my own experience, “It’s good to be confused and get lost” because you gain experience that you didn’t have before.  You didn’t intend to explore this path and discover this waterfall, but you did. You wouldn’t have seen it otherwise. You didn’t waste time. You gained know-how and perspective. Atleast you figured out that you are lost. Many people never will. Or if they recognize that they are lost, they will just ignore it, heading in the wrong direction forever.

You are aware NOW. That is a skill and not everyone will use that skill effectively. You rock because you are thinking. You rock because you are brave enough to see the truth. That feeling of confusion is not telling you that you did something wrong. It’s telling you that you are on the verge of doing something right. (Oh, that’s good. Want to Tweet it?)

It’s awesome because now you get to practice how to figure out where you are and where you want to go next. Not everyone will get this opportunity – not because it’s not available to them, but because they avoid it.

Learning how to figure out where you are and deciding where you want to go feels scary when you don’t do it often. You sometimes feel paralyzed that you will make the wrong decision. Recognizing that you are lost is actually very exciting! Now you get to create a whole new possibility. What a great opportunity!

So What To Do Now

Obviously, everyone cares about his life and his career, or else he wouldn’t be confused. Confusion can only happen if you care. When you don’t care about something, you’re just, “Whatever.”

Celebrate yourself and get pumped. Your life is ripe with possibility.  You can create anything you want.

I would say you should consult an expert. Great navigators love to share what they know. They are proud of what they’ve learned, and they know that navigating is hard. Look around you. Do you see anyone who has the life or the career you want? Keep looking until you find someone. Ask them how they got there. Ask them what they learned along the way. What was a key lesson for them? What tripped them up? What was difficult? What was easy? What do they love about their work? What are the challenges they face?

If you don’t like talking to that person, then, there’s this thing called the Internet.

Try, to get a coach. He can be someone you know very well or someone who is altogether a new face. It could be the same person as the one who inspires you. Whoever it is, they need to have a great understanding of the terrain you are in and have a sincere desire to serve your best interest without judgment.

Parents are not the best choice sometimes. Even lovely parents are not good coaches in this scenario. They have bias because they feel intimately connected to your past selves.  You need someone who can focus on the present and the future. When you get off-track, they shouldn’t fix it for you. You need someone who can stand by you in the midst of your frustration and have faith that the figuring-it-out pain is crucial to your learning process. They can help, but they shouldn’t rescue.

In the meantime, if you don’t have a job keep saying to yourself, “This current situation is not forever”. Any experience or skill you gain will just make you that much stronger and more prepared when you do decide where you’re going next.

The Future’s So Bright—You Know you’re the Best

Alright, my friend, I’m excited for you. It’s time to step up and jump yourself into the future. In the end, no matter what path you take, you are still creating your life. Have fun with it!

Nothing has more of an impact on your life than you. When you decide to do something, you are unstoppable.  There is no dream that is beyond you. You have the creativity and the will to push and push and PUSH until you breakthrough. You’ve woken up and seen the truth now don’t go back to sleep.  Don’t let yourself settle for anything less than you deserve. Don’t confuse “confusion”  for  “error.” You are in exactly the right place at the right time to experience everything you’ve been seeking.

Focus on what you’ve learned.  Focus on what you can give.  Focus on how you can best serve. Focus on your joy. Have faith that anything you focus on, you will hit.

You can learn to read the terrain. You can learn to work with an unreliable map. You can learn to overcome an untrustworthy compass.

After all, We’re not lost in the woods, Are we?


My first apprehensions till the time I passed C.A. were that after passing C.A.  I would be on top of the world, probably on cloud 9 or so but…

Just after few days of having known that I had passed the C.A. Examinations, yes!!! Feeling still hadn’t  synced at that point in time (and even today,  I realize that I have become C.A. only when I go for an interview and interviewer asks me this first question.. so tell me about yourself?) (*hahaha* Like Seriously :p) It was around 12th or 13th August & one more twister from ICAI. This time it read :- “OKAY – YOU IDIOT, We realize we have made a mistake by passing you but still we have continued to ensure your life remains miserable. IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE FOR JOB AT CAMPUS PLACEMENT, YOU NEED TO COMPLETE THE GMCS TRAINING BEFORE 30th SEPTEMBER.”

CA’s are known for their rational decision making, I had no other choice but to take approval from my manager and register for GMCS training. “Why are we tortured so much?” was my feeling, as I was staring at the watch for it to strike 3, in an air-conditioned cabin of DB Realty. The clock struck 15:00 hrs and with all my fast typing skills and pre-registering data ready, I was fully equipped to get a slot in that 2-3 minutes time frame for which window is open, and all of a sudden a news flashed on my screen “REGISTRATIONS ARE POSTPONED BY ONE DAY” and before I could give abuses for this poor planning of ICAI, telephones from everywhere that registration has been postponed and will be conducted next day. Somehow that day ended.

The next day, even more drama… It was 15:00 hrs and I was staring at my screen, this time in Neptune’s cabin. The refresh button was continuously pressed harder each time. 15:01 the window opened, I typed everything as fast as I could. Pressed Submit. *Horrendous is the word” Screen Flashed, “DATA NEEDS TO BE FILLED IN CAPITAL LETTERS. RETRY AND SUBMIT”. Time running out, I almost went insane. Again filled details as fast as I could and Submit. *Bhoom!* “Sorry the batch is full. Please RETRY in another batch” *ARGHHHHH* I thought, “I don’t seem to have chance this time”  But hopeful as every CA student is, I tried again, all details filled hastily and finally relief, “YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN RECIEVED. KINDLY TAKE OUT A PRINT AND SUBMIT THE RELEVANT DOCUMENTS WITHIN 3 DAYS TO THE INSTITUTE OR ELSE APPLICATION WOULD BE REJECTED”

Again calls, mera hua.. tera kya hua? Kaunsa batch? Which Floor? And again a shock.. SHREYANS phones and says mera nai hua. Tera? Then he bangs the phone and I feel like… “why is everyone in the universe conspiring against me and my happiness?” I was depressed, unsure how this all would be managed alone. Waking up at 6:30, catching train at 8 from Borivali and then re-catching the train for Borivali at 18:00. I was like, I would surely die by the end of this course. It’s difficult to adapt to things and circumstances that  you wouldn’t like to be in. Okay now what? I was cursing myself and my luck. Then few minutes later, MICROMAX rings in fullest manner possible as if it wanted to convey some good news. Shreyans on line, says he got it in the 4th batch. There were 5 slots opened again as a lucky draw and he managed to secure one and I was like THANK-GOD. Life came back to normal mode. Then finally everything started to fall in place one by one. Decision of taking CAR and not trains was a major boost. We went to submit the documents and midway I realized, damn!! I didn’t carry my photograph. Then stuck my brothers photograph *HEHEHE* Documents submitted.. Chalo Chalo we are getting late for office. Distributed sweets in the office. Was so happy J

DAY 1 :- OKAY OKAY !! So now it starts.. shhhhh… We reach at 9:45 hrs, and to our surprise Professor not in the class yet.. I took up a corner seat and GMCS begins. Everyone introducing themselves to the professor and followed by few useless presentations. Day 1 went boring except for the fact that we nominated the CR’s.

DAY 2 :- Spotlight was awesome. Knowing more about everyone. Sunil establishing himself as a monkey-man. I really liked his innocent face when he talked in Hindi. Highlighting Rankers to the class. Saurabh Sir giving some good oratory and GMCS started becoming a bit interesting thing. Some superb videos. Male CR leaping some daddy steps while Lady CR taking baby steps, being a bit cautious and soft-spoken. Applauses and Clapping for Gnanesh – “CR” every-time that he gets up or enters a class or performs or does whatever. Literally Whatever !!! Hahhahhah thanks for taking it so sportingly and being initiator for most of the things – CR.

DAY 3 :- I missed it mahn! But it was a boring lecture so no regrets!! I hate ppts for 3+ hours. Gave interview at KPMG & ITC. Superb Hotel. First experience of an interview in the corporate world. Got lucky with proxy. *HAHAHA*  Come the weekend, and I fell sick. 3 days high fever. *sigh*

DAY 4 :- Okay whatsapp group formed and statistics soaring as high as 1000 messages and  Gopal starts to take the lead. I was the one who was left out as 50 members limit got full. It was like damn! Missed the bus! Nilesh Gore Sir trying to make an impression as to management consultancy is a lucarative career to build on with his own experiences. Activities started, Groups Formed !!!

Day 5 :-  Yes, by now everyone knows each other by face atleast. Activities in full swing, Groups formed.. but this time it was the start of bonding with others. Trying to recall who is who in minds !!! Plans made and failed. Pool Party was a big flop so was the idea of extracting treat from the Rankers. I must say, all rankers are paupers when it comes to giving parties. I hope they change once they get jobs and treat all of us !! I know, my this attempt is going to go in vain but still just saying!! Who knows, we are CAs and we always have faith 😉

Day 6 :- Everyone by now knows, what is Paryushan. Tea breaks and lunch breaks start extending gradually. Gopal, Harshit & Annirudh are by far the biggest entertainers of GMCS batch. Talreja maa’m giving tips of further education and its prospects. Everyone happy to have class on 2nd floor as ICAI lifts were slow and it wasted those 2 precious minutes of the tea and lunch time.

Day 7 :- Okay, Day of patriotism, righteousness and importance of having high values and morals on personal as well as professional front. Prakash Valecha Sir, giving class the entire control. Gup-shups, Chit-chatting, Inspirational Clips etc etc etc .. just the atmosphere where you would like to remain forever. Minds crossing borders very freely. From America in 2 seconds to Brazil and China in few moments. Every-one chipping in and sharing their experiences.

Day 8 :- The day when entire class played Secret Santa. Hahaha, I missed this too.. Don’t remember the reason but yes I wasn’t there and in evening I got the news… Karishma is crying !!! No one bought her a gift and then came my swift apologies. Dare you take panga with rankers !! I somehow pacified her that her gift was already wrapped and would be soon delivered. Wait wasn’t this the Black & White day too ? So lot of pics clicked, which I still don’t have, thanks to me being not on watsapp group. Lot of memories made.

Day 9 :- Now, people started knowing names of one another. Various activities, skits and other performances. We all started loosening out from our stiff attitude and started to gel with one another. Gopal demanding tiffins one by one from every girl right at the start of the day. Poor girls couldn’t have a say and surrendered most of their tiffins… Hahaha !! Plans started to pop up and materialize. Bandra Fort was the first outing probably as far my memory serves me correct.

Day 10 :- Everyone has by now given 1 or 2 interviews. All sharing the vacancies and contact details of HR and E-mail ID’s. Aatish had a tie up with gets leaked. Group discussions and how to build on your resumes, dressing style for interview and other tips came handy for all of us by now, I am sure.

Day 11 :- This day was special. Feeling of last few days of GMCS left started seeping in. Mundada Sir practically gave us an off by 4:30 p.m. We watched Mary-Kom for 154 Rs/- Imagine 154… Movie was good, acting was superb by PC but had a very abrupt ending. Nidhi had to bear the brunt for most of it as it was her plan.

Day 12 :- Now silently one after other crushes started coming out. Pairing made. EY connection!!  CR and Karishma!! Gopal and Chahat !! Shreyans having tough time proposing a girl, but manages it well in the end. Tera mujhse hai pehle ka nata koi (along with ball dance)… and whole class going mad.. Jyoti taking all this very sportingly *Good Job* Sankalp liked Chandigarh girls, but he tried his luck in Mumbai also :p and blah blah blah many more.. which obviously will come up in the comments!! So do read comments also if more interested. And if you also were trying like Sankalp then you can try your luck in comments and give it a chance also!!! Who knows matches could be made from blog comments also.

Day 13 :- Okay now last 3 days left. Feeling a bit emotional. Many of us managed to reach Phoneix – Kurla. Vikram, hats off bro for the ride and the pics as well. Shiva Shiva became popular. An Essel World ride when we went for parking the car. (Gol Gol Ghumunga mein feeling!!!) Awesome time while doing bowling. Gopal on a row. Jyoti , you need a lot of practise. Go bowling often 😉 (Most gutters award should have been given to you !!) Then we all danced our hearts out !! Too much fun. I must say. Okay then 7 packed in my car we returned from there. Dropping each person one by one I reached home. Then all of a sudden i was given entry in the group. Thank-you admin! And phone spammed with more than 300 pics. It was hell lot of bonding and way lot of fun!

Day 14 :- Yes Ankur Lakhani was a bit too vulgar. Some girls got pissed off. Coming back, we were altogether in our own world only. Thanks to Krupa, Jinal, Surbhi everyone got an award. Some people even got 2 awards. Sehen Shakti award was the most apt one though! I hope Nidhi doesn’t kill me for this!!. Then played fish pond. Chahat and Nidhi constantly coming out with weaknesses of every person by first saying “You are a very sweet person” I and Shreyans leave early and miss out on our award. Gopal & Harshit taking the lead and booking a banquet hall for the last day.

Day 15 :- Yes we all knew it was our last day. Recieved Dostana Award !!! *Haha* And then we had one of the most frustrated and mind-fickled professors of all time. Still no one bothered and comments, taunts flowed in the air like at regulat intervals. Then some abstract topic to have a group discussion on – Breakfast a cereal or soup! I felt why was she torturing us on last day. Nonetheless we didn’t waste time and became busy with clicking selfies, writing scrap books and many more things. It was followed by some lot of captured moments.. Everyone clicking pics with everyone else, with groups and on & on & on. Soon we parted only to catch up soon and taking back some wonderful memories which will be cherished & etched in the memory for long – long time. At mid-night more than 800 pics on watsapp and this clearly shows the bondness we all had made with each other just in span of 15 days.

Okay, now just a few random memories….

Doremon suits you so well surbhi .. always be doremon..

Sarita.. you really are a tough person.. keep it up!!

Shailja.. please transmit the cosmic energy.. i don’t want to die till 50 atleast 😉

Ritish,  Gaurav & Jaimin – it was nice knowing you.. very nice person you’re.

Pulkit – change your name to thakur *haha* Incase if you are serious tell me i will give you the detailed procedure for changing the name, same applies to you chinmay – “J J K Shah” junior J K Shah!!

Rachna – Be the little stuart always.. very soft spoken and amiable person.

Zehra – I was surprised that you came across an ITO who explained you the case. Drink thoda complan *just kidding*

Pooja (both of you) – Very soft and gentle. Remain the same always.

Sunil – English is not a problem now.. I hope you have realized that you can overcome it… Keep smiling always!

Krupa – Master in auditing. She has offer letters from Aneja & Kpmg in internal audit as well as statutory audit. Nice to know you. Kuch baat aage badhi ho toh please bata dena :p

Jinal, Jay, Jimit – Don’t know what is cooking in CNK gang !!! I think i have missed some member of your gang. Daya pata lagao…

Naincy, Rucha, Kirti, Anisha, Shraddha & Prachi – You all are so friendly.. (y) J

Hardik – How are you feeling ?? Now that all of a sudden you have become a partner and are no more an article.. ???

Jyoti – A street smart person. You are way too good in GMC Skills. I had seen you in college but known you in GMCS. It is nice to have a friend like you 😀

Sumeet – Pan India wifi wala idea baap tha :p See if we can make it possible in anyway.. Count me in !! Wish you all the success in life J

Mihir – What a personality you are… i feel you talk only as much as is required just as an umpire does in the game of cricket.. You possess all qualities of a good umpire. Wish you also a rewarding career ahead !!

Pratik, Kushal, Harshit, Navneet, Rohit & Vikram – You guys are fun to be with. Enjoyed your company in GMCS training. Thanks a lot !!!

Shreyans – A genius guy who has impacted on lot of my academic decisions. Without you I would have been a lesser C.A. or not at all a C.A. would sound more apt. Most of our decisions we take after discussing with each other.  We have grown up together for most of our teenage. Thanks for being a part of my life. I cherish our friendship and may it remain like that forever.

Karishma – Sensitive and emotional person. Again seen you in College & Haribhakti but known you in GMCS. You can give goose bumps and punches to almost anyone. Okay anyways are there any surprises for us at CR’s house tomorrow ?? *Just kidding*

I have tried and covered almost everyone of you!! Incase if someone is left out then please forgive me and don’t feel bad. This post can be edited and necessary mistakes can be rectified..

Bijlee will continue to remain Bijlee for most of us !!! Kash !!

Hoping to see you all for lunch tomorrow !! Don’t be late…

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Article-ship Diaries !!!

23rd August 2014 – You did arrive, Yes today I complete 3 years of my article-ship at Haribhakti & Co (keeping aside the extension period for a while :p) 3 years was indeed a roller-coaster ride for me here. For the last few days, I was disturbed by the thought that I would soon be ending this wonderful phase of life. My allegiance lies both with the work, as well as with the people & the atmosphere here. I kept wondering what I will tell them on my last day.  Each time I thought of it, I made mental notes as to what I’ll tell them but I am pretty sure that I will miss out on something or the other and hence comes this post.


I have been friends with most of you. I have witnessed some of the best days as well as the worst times of my entire life so far in this period. Many of you have seen me at my best & my worst. Sometimes you changed, sometimes I changed. Sometimes we fought like it was the end of our friendship but soon we resolved it. Sometimes I hated you, sometimes you hated me but at the end, the ice melted. Sometimes I never got what I expected, sometimes I never gave you what you expected. Anyway, to all those with whom I shared smiles, jokes, tears & audits, to all those who intend to stay or leave with time, to all those who crossed my path there, a big Thank-you for the bunch of memories. 🙂

During the last 3 years many changes happened in many of our lives. Some were revealed, some kept secret. Clashes happened, groups formed, mistakes made & we blamed each other, but at the end of the year, somehow we all bonded together again. Our strength & happiness revolved around just one element – “Understanding”. Whatever may happen, make sure you don’t ruin the understanding. Make sure there are no groups formed. Groups create barriers, create divide, create bias. They brew secrets. People who aren’t a part of your group feel uncomfortable to come amidst you. It is my humble request to all, if you’re a part of a group, loosen the bond & let everyone join your group.

I believe during the last few years, I did apologise each time I hurt someone. Sometimes I didn’t apologise but told you the reason why I didn’t. I honestly didn’t feel I was wrong. But now, a note to those whom I hurt, I never knew that I did & who either hold grudges still or who have forgotten & forgiven, whatever be the mistake, I’m sorry. It was all unintentional. You may feel I was wrong, but it wasn’t me, it were the circumstances which you were unaware of !

Another note to those at whose cost I cracked jokes. Damn! You guys were hilarious! How could I stop myself from sharing something so funny. I really can’t apologise to you because I intend to retell them every time I see you. Thank you for making us laugh, especially article gang Shreya, Divyam, Anuj, Malav, Surbhi, Pankaj, Saloni etc. You guys made audits lively and fun.

I enjoyed playing pranks and being subject to your pranks, fighting over office laptops, fighting over chairs, making plans for  ice creams, movies, trips & tours, lunch meetings during out-audits, forcing to give treats, joining in gossips, making up stories, finding second meanings in almost everything. Let the spirit burn. Love you guys!! 😉

Before I begin a new innings of my life, I would sincerely like to thank all of you for everything that you have done for me.

Amit Sir : Sir, you stood by me almost every time. I know I did not tell you the truth once but yes it was out of circumstances and abruptness with which everything happened. I am once again sorry for it, I did not want to break your trust but please forgive me if you can. You were a very supportive and helpful.

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Naresh Sir : Aapke barein mein kya bataun? I have shared almost so many things with you which I probably haven’t told anyone else. You too were very supportive and I feel enriched to have you in my life. Apart from work and audit, we have discussed so many things, problems in our lives.  I feel blessed to have had an opportunity to be guided by you.

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Mehul Bhai : I am very sorry that I haven’t come yet to see the kiddies but I am coming very soon. You always were my confidence booster (right from the initial days) and your views and vibes had a great impact on my entire article-ship experiences. I have seen you progressing and you always are a source of inspiration for me. Whenever things are going against me, I have had your opinion or advise. Be the same always for me.

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Poonam Madam : I won’t forget the Ice-creams parties at Oberoi mall and Tri-Cones of Ruchi, Cakes on every happy occasion, will all be dearly missed. With you  DB was never boring be it the audit or the documentation. Yes, travelling to Vikhroli – 2 hours each way for Neptune seemed worth it and was a good learning experience, for you gave me freedom to explore it under your guidance and supervision. It is memorable.

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Nirbhay Bhaiyya : You were a good senior too. You were like a bitter pill which was needed for my betterment only in the long run. Today I realize that and feel cherished that I had someone like you.  I know you were harsh at times, sometimes I argued with you (usually for not coming on Saturdays) but I equally appreciate that you left aside all the grudges and behaved as if nothing has happened from the very next day. I cannot deny that I have learnt many new things at Peninsula and Marathon under you. I am sorry for not being able to attend your marriage :p

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Girish Bhai : Aap se toh kitna kuch sikha hai.. it’s so good to have you. I mean I can discuss anything and everything with you. Kabhi bhi realize nai hua ki aapko kya kahunga ? I will just say that you are a very nice human being. You understand and care for everyone’s feelings so much never expecting back the same from them, and even if someone treats you not well then too you think only good for them. I am trying to get this attitude in me. Really very lucky to have had your company and insights into your life. Cheers!

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Kashyapi : Well there has been a lot of things, way lot of bonding between us. The one who taught me ABC of audit. I am glad that I have had you as my mentor for most of my internship days. I thank you for each and everything you have imparted to me. I have had shared all sorts of expressions and emotions with you #Happy #Sad #Funny #Mean #Party #Fights #Well-its-an-endless-list. I like the way you are. Be the same always!! I hope I haven’t troubled you much and am still one of your favorite articles. DB and Daman will be so dearly missed.

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Mithun: Ahem! Nostalgia! I need a pause when I have to write about you. I think I will not be able to write much but yes you are a person who is very dear to me. With you around no one can ever feel bored. You are just the one whom everyone needs. You are way too good and I always look up to you. Without a daily call or watsapp ping life seems to be incomplete. I have troubled you a lot by inquiring about madam(s) but yes I won’t now on. Thanks for the faith you have kept in me. Won’t be able to forget each and every moment spent with you. K S Oils, Muthoot Housing Finance, Neelkamal, Hubtown, Marathon almost everywhere on all the assignments  and yes LBP how could I ever forget that ! Thanks once again.

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Sana: Or in words of Anuj, “SRK”. I worked with you for hardly 1 or 2 LR’s at Peninsula. But you were very determined, very focussed, a perfectionist! Your personality did have an influence on me. You were the one who told me to take up CFA. I could never ever forget you for that. Thanks a lot !

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Disha:  You were a very good senior. All I can say is Hubtown without you shall always be a sadistic place to work for any article. Loved your leadership qualities and practical nature. Had an awesome time at Imagica trip. We all need to plan such trips more often. I know I have to contact Divyam for this but just saying 😛

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Shashank & Ruchi : Bonanza and its canteen is greatly missed. You were a good seniors  too. Won’t be able to forget that you both were my first seniors of my article-ship. I must have annoyed you by way lot of questions in excitement of doing audit for the first time. Thank you for bearing with me :p

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ARTICLE – GANG  would be a better description.

Sabse pehle kiske barein mein likhun? I am confused. But yes have patience, I am not going to miss on anyone of you. Before that some common feelings we all had :-

  1. Stipend is too less and it will continue to do so :p
  2. Leaves – we always crib for leaves all the time
  3. We all hate late night sitting
  4. Always wanting to party just for something or the other.
  5. Travelling – we all hate locals and outstation audits (except saloni, I must say)
  6. Classes – A perpetual problem and also perpetual excuse.
  7. Conveyance – always wanting to have more and on time.
  8. Gossips – We all can’t stay without it.
  9. Double meaning in almost everything and anything :p
  10. CA Exams – Like a hell, couldn’t have anything worse in life than the CA exams.

Shreya: Best Best Best Bestest …….senior  article to ever have. I am glad it was you :p She always shows that she is senior to me, acting as if I am her junior and she is my senior but never means it. Actually Shreya, we are more than senior junior. A true friend.  You are unlucky if you haven’t had shreya with you! She keeps atmosphere lively and vibrant. Always takes even bad things in good spirit (biggest thing which I have learnt from her). I envy her at times for her nature and attitude.  A traveller and a shopaholic! In good moods most of the times.. Very chilled out… Loves to take and give surprises. Always taunting me on every single leave I take from office.   Hahahahahahaha all of this I will so dearly miss. And yes art of documentation has been taught by her so now you know whom to catch 😉  Selfies got popular thing – must have been started by her only. (I think unknowingly it was you!) She loves to capture each and every moment.

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Divyam: Bhai, you please don’t waste time reading my stupid blogs. You can do them after your exams. With him at the helm of affairs you don’t need to take approvals from sir. We are assured that he will somehow scrape us through with approvals (be it for leaves or for picnic or to go home at 7 p.m.) Trains – this is our most horrifying word for both of us. We have done crazy things together, Pocket Tanks, Photo sessions,Celebrations in office. I am really fond of waffers made by chotu and yummy chocolates.  Giving me bad words, “Kutte”  is his start line whenever we meet in person or on calls. You wouldn’t imagine, he called me on day of my CA Final results, “Kutte, tu C.A. ban gaya, I am so happy for you. Kaunsi rank aayi ? Me: Thank-you, Nai yaar isca mein toh lag gayi, dot 40 aaye hai aur baki sab mein 7-8 mks kam aaye hai expectations se. Him:  Beep Beep Beep ( a whole range of equipped verbal armaments he has) … tu CA ban gaya hai aur ab bhi rona band………” You are very special for me. I will also not forget “CHALU” coined by you. A party lover, a good friend, a focused person, why did you not join Haribhakti earlier? Don’t leak out our secret of not turning fat to others! :p

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Anuj: I would love to do copy paste of what I have said for Divyam except for the secret of not turning fat! *Hehe* For they are the partners in crime. Anuj! – You can make picture in your minds of a healthy guy with smart phones, cozy long drives, masti, dancing, good taste for shopping and equally brilliant academically. In short, “he is a pappu who can dance sala!” 🙂  We were like the three musketeers. One says yes and other two have to say yes! Had some good time with you. “Imagica e-yay-i-yay-e-ye”  Ice-creams or juices or sweets without which lunch would seem incomplete. Thanks for being there. Wish you luck for your papers too. Give it your best.

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Pankaj : It reminds me of one thing *AVERAGE* You ask him for his opinion and the obvious answer that will come out from his mouth would be average. He has it in his blood now. A true all-rounder & every senior’s favourite, manages himself on his own in a city of Mumbai from age of 18-19, is just unimaginable. Equally good academically CA and CS to be shortly. I have only appreciations for you brother! You are a gem to have in life. Just one thing, now that you will be not staying in RVG chill out with friends. You never used to come with us post office hours. Keep it up !!! And yes learn to say no some times, otherwise everyone takes you for granted.  And don’t be shy, any problem just give a call. I will be there for you even at midnight.

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Malav: My-love as I tease him more often, a sweet and lovely friend, True Gujarati gentleman. Needs Paan post lunch and Chai he can drink almost at anytime in the day. A workaholic and family oriented guy. You take up your responsibilities so well. Managing work and social life must be learnt from him. So very good at it. Yes, party lover and team player. Won’t have ice-cream himself but will bring it for me and Poonam madam. Thanks for the good times bro. I am afraid that whole tracing (line by line) will have to be done by you, so be ready for that !

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Surbhi : Well, what to say for this girl. I am speechless. Okay, she knows all my likes and dislikes by now. She is trying and helping me in finding a girlfriend of my choice. *At-least trying by giving me options*  *Wierd-but-true* Anything happens and we say to each other, “Its Okay.. Life goes on”. She can crack and enjoy cheap jokes almost like anytime. Again she is very hardworking, focussed and sincere and takes study tension way too much. Never can you extract party from her. I will lose a hundred bucks on that if you can manage to have one. (Saying this here is my last attempt of extracting a treat from her!) :p She is fun loving and jolly by nature and at the same time very caring and obedient. We don’t stop irritating her whenever she comes to DB. “Bade article aaye hai! Only Mergers dekhte hai! ”

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Saloni : I have never seen more hardworking and dedicated article than you. You make it look so simple. Such a person, who will never say no to anyone. Always keeping all her sadness within and never showing it up on her ever-smiling face. You can hide your sorrows behind your smiles so well. Again favourites among all the seniors, hats-off to you. You are such a loyal friend. Yes I am giving you my Vinod gupta texts, don’t worry. Just tell me day and date and you will have it. Again wish you all the best. Prepare well , you will nail it this time.

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Karthigi : You are a very nice person. You too take up family responsibilities so well and mange work at the same time. Never seen frown on your face for anything. No regrets, no sorrows – I like your attitude. You never sulk ! Kudos. And yes your handwriting and drawings are amazing. You are very creative too. Let the creativity within you not die. All the best.

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Meghana, Natasha, Anuj, Darshan, Sreejit, Gaurav, Nikhil, Abhinav, Abhishek, Sakshi – You guys were for a very short span of time. Haven’t got the opportunity to work with you all but surely it would be nice to be working with you if it’s so written in the destiny. Who knows ? Was a nice time having you all around.

Conversation between the Dying moments of Parv Chheda & Borning moments of CA Parv Chheda !!!

Parv Chheda : Congratulations!!! I feel so proud now that everyone is calling you CA Parv Chheda and also sad at the same time that now no one is remembering me..!! (*Mixed Feelings*)

CA Parv Chheda : Ohh mention not P.C. You had a big role in my success.. Whole credit is yours.. Without you I am nothing but a mere useless 2 letters C & A that’s it!

Parv Chheda : Credit is Mine.. Awwww! Thanks.. I now feel accomplished! That my life has come it’s circle, what I struggled through has been worth it.. Did you know CA Parv Chheda, I was damn nervous when you were about to be born. You were just a mouse click away and I was all shivering, feeling what the outcome would have been of the operation! Would it be successful or would it take me another few months to give you birth!

CA Parv Chheda : I hold you so very dear to my heart Parv Chheda. I realize & appreciate all the sacrifices which you have  made for me. Don’t leave me alone! I won’t be….

Parv Chheda : No! Don’t do this! By this you are insulting my hard-work.. 21 years of my life is what it took me to build you. I have re-incarnated myself into you so you are never going to be alone.. Give me one promise  before I die and be-gone into the oblivion.. Just Waa-aan.. (Sound effect of – ONE) (interrupted)

CA Parv Chheda : Your order is my command, Sir ! I promise to fulfill it word by word with true spirit and sincerity.

Parv Chheda : Be it then… I want you to promise me that you will behave like a matured professional fulfilling your responsibilities (without tantrums or any complains!) & you shall not repeat mistakes that I had made (wait! there aren’t many but yes there are a few!), and take your life to farther heights from where I am leaving.

CA Parv Chheda : It’s a deal. I say, “I do” 😀 😀  O-K-A-Y one thing I wanted to ask and clarify with you now that I am just born, what is this word “Party” – “Party” that everyone is demanding from me:P Should I give it to them or not? 😛 😀 (*Mixed Feelings*)

Parv Chheda : Don’t tell me that you trying to save bucks on this? Are – You? “(CA’s will be CA’s)” Go live your (our) dreams!! I am leaving you with the stipend money to rejoice.. Party hard, I will remain your integral part now-onwards forever and ever and ever so just go go go…

CA Parv Chheda : Parv Chheda, You will be remembered and etched in my hearts for all my life. 8th August 2014 would be biggest page in history of Parv Chheda & CA Parv Chheda. Thanks for giving me this precious moments. Will Miss You! (Leaves!)

Parv Chheda dies peacefully. He meets his creator in heaven and says, “I have fulfilled the task to the best of my abilities and strength and handed over the job to my successor” – The CA version of me! ❤

Love You, now and always !!


Confessions of a Confused Mind !

At present I am sitting on the edge of the terrace… the endless blue black sky above spreading its starless cover over me… the coldest wind of the season is blowing across my face…am shivering.

Life is so weird. I mean…look at it. It gives you immense joy and then suddenly threatens to take it all away. Having proven your excellency @ IPCC, the graph of your professional career is zooming at an all time high, your papers went well and then all of a sudden, out of thin air, a fear of losing in FINALS…and thoughts like all the reputation which you had managed to build, what will everyone say, everything will be gone in a jiffy occurs into your mind!! Its a tiring game…too many obstacles, face-offs, challenges and no cheat codes. Damn, am a pathetic player!!

Perhaps, I should have worn my blue sweater…or at least brought a shawl with me. But the night is just so beautiful…I don’t really mind shivering in the cold wind! I had come to the terrace to get away from the others. The sadness, the nervousness, the anxiety…the common emotions of the human soul…the inherent feeling of care and concern & lots of hopes and expectations…Ooooo I wanted to get away from it all.

For a person like me…Emotions are not a rare thing. When they come…they flood my mind…unlock the gates of my self and break into my very system… Destroying my peace of mind…Unsettling me temporarily. Emotions that I had never known earlier…Alien emotions…Invade my mind…my heart…and my soul. I can hardly relate to myself at that moment. I am happy…Perhaps I am more or less still happy. The happiness is inexplicable…Perhaps it’s bliss. But a certain sadness pervades… Why? How can profound happiness be accompanied by such pain. I don’t understand. The pain is unbearable… All methods that a practical person may apply to control and check one’s emotions had already failed me. Am I on the verge of insanity?

Everything I had ever loved and cared for had evaporated leaving behind nothing but residue of memories… But why? I was scared of losing everything that I had….all that I truly Loved. I’m perhaps too possessive of my own Happiness…

Here on the terrace I find peace. The cold wind freezes the flow of my thoughts & emotions and a strange calmness spreads over me. I am used to being alone but have never found such joy in solitude before. Is it the Stars? or the Night? Is it the calmness and the peace? Or is it the cold wind that’s blowing around me, making me shiver? What is it that is giving such profound Joy? Is it me, or is it all in my mind?

Wishing everyone all the best for the big day !!!

Morning Walk – through the Woods of Mumbai !!!

6:30 A.M. and all are asleep,
One miscall and we are on our feet.
Doors softly unlatched,
We silently leave.

Soon our foot-steps reach gates of the park,
Having shown our passes we venture out in the dark.
I wish you a very good morning,
And you reply by your sweet gesture of smiling.

Slowly & Swiftly, Walking and laughing,
Discussing almost each and everything.
For eg. spending vacations in kashmir,
Where you will find lots of pir.

Pace changes to a walk,
When we see your favorite lady just returning after her jog.
Nature’s sounds that quietly talk,
As we look at its mesmerizing beauty and cherish the fog.

We have just crossed the bridge and Lo! Here is Satish Park,
Its time to exercise and so we better pause our talks.
We hang ourselves upside down,
Just as an owl or more like a clown.

We know that nature has everything in plenty,
We consume it’s freshness silently and gently.
We see our lives becoming worthwhile,
When we walk along the river for that extra mile.

Before we know the clock strikes half past seven,
No-way! I don’t feel like leaving this beautiful heaven.
Soon the cars, dust, crowd and noises start,
For the day, its time for us to part.

Just reminding each other that next day we will have the same start,
We rush back to home with a heavy heart …

Shreyans! This one is for you !
Please suggest if you want me to add anything in this :p I think that I have covered most of the ground here but just in case anything that I have missed out. And yes do give me along with the rhymes, I have a way lot of troubles putting your thoughts to rhyme :):)

Peg After Peg

I never take risk while drinking

When I come from office in the evening, wife is cooking
I can hear the noise of utensils in the kitchen
I stealthily enter the house
Take out the bottle from my black cupboard
Shivaji Maharaj is looking at me from the photo frame
But still no one is aware of it
Becoz I never take risk

I take out the glass from the rack above the old sink
Quickly enjoy one peg
Wash the glass and again keep it on the rack
Of course I also keep the bottle inside my cupboard
Shivaji Maharaj is giving a smile

I peep into the kitchen
Wife is cutting potatoes
No one is aware of what I did
Becoz I never take risk

I: Any news on Chopra’s daughter’s marriage
Wife: Nope, she doesn’t seem to be that lucky. Still they are looking
out for her

I again come out; there is a small noise of the black cupboard
But I don’t make any sound while taking out the bottle
I take out the glass from the old rack above sink
Quickly enjoy one peg

Wash the bottle and keep it in the sink
Also keep the Black Glass in the cupboard
But still no one is aware of what I did
Becoz I never take risk

I: But still I think Chopra’s daughter’s age is not that much
Wife: What are you saying? She is 28 yrs old… like an aged horse
I: (I forgot her age is 28) Oh Oh…

I again take out potatoes out from my black cupboard
But the cupboard’s place has automatically changed
I take out the bottle from the rack and quickly enjoy one peg in the sink

Shivaji Maharaj laughs loudly
I keep the rack in the potatoes & wash Shivaji Maharaj’s photo & keep
it in the black cupboard

Wife is keeping the sink on the stove
But still no one is aware of what I did
Becoz I never take risk

I: (getting angry) you call Mr. Chopra a horse? If you say that again, I
will cut your tongue…!
Wife: Don’t just blabber something, go out and sit quietly…

I take out the bottle from the potatoes
Go in the black cupboard and enjoy a peg
Wash the sink and keep it over the rack
Wife is giving a smile

Shivaji Maharaj is still cooking
But still no one is aware of what I did
Becoz I never take risk

I: (laughing) So Chopra is marrying a horse!!
Wife: Hey go and sprinkle some water on your face…

I again go to the kitchen, and quietly sit on the rack
Stove is also on the rack
There is a small noise of bottles from the room outside

I peep and see that wife is enjoying a peg in the sink
But none of the horses are aware of what I did
Becoz Shivaji Maharaj never takes risk

Chopra is still cooking
And I am looking at my wife from the photo and laughing
Becoz I never take what???




Disclaimer : Now, don’t judge me by the title of this blog. I don’t drink, neither am I married, neither there is a frame of Shivaji Maharaja in my house nor do I have any resemblance with Mr. Chopra or her daughter at the date of posting this blog :p Just sharing this here because I found it too hilarious. So may be you too can enjoy this stuff. Some of my silly-billy’s are just behind me all the time for the non-sensical stuff which I post here so disclaimer is basically for them !!


Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God – George Washington Carver


Mountains, Rivers, Lakes and Streams,
Untouched Wilderness, in our memories and dreams.
Mental and physical pleasures of fresh air,
Pleasant surprises, we stop and we stare.
A place where we could sit and just think,
That nature and humans, share a deep link !!!


Our love for nature, has its roots,
It offers life, it offers fruits.
Not just beauty, it’s way beyond,
A peaceful lake or just a pond !!!


Our love for nature, and desire to explore,
Where water meets land; a beautiful shore.
Nature exciting, adventurously new,
Much more to see, than a sky that is blue !!!


Our love for nature, keeps us close,
Rocks erode, as the river flows.
From a hilltop, to the sea,
Towards the sky, grows a tree !!!


Our love for nature, open your eyes,
Hope of today, with every sunrise
Memories are nurtured, when nature reveals,
Sharing its pleasures, amazing it feels !!!


Our love for nature, gives us peace,
Seasons change, flying geese.
Nature shall thrive, if we combine,
Your love for it, along with mine !!!
















Just Writ-ing !! (“sounds like Right-Thing”)

I have been quiet lately. In some ways I’ve been aching to get back to this space and express again, and yet there is so much keeping me busy and fulfilled in the other parts of my life, that I don’t rant here like I used to.  There are seaons and this is just one of mine.

Writing, just like living itself, does not come with an instruction manual. This absence of step-by-step guide is what makes writing a unique creative endeavour.  As writers we do not have clay, paint, or an instrument to work with and lean on.

Through reading number of blogs and exchanging views with fellow bloggers who are either seasoned writers, or just starting search for their writing voice, it became obvious that some questions are common, notably; Is writing what I meant to be doing? Am I really a writer? Will I be any good, or good enough? What genre am I to write in? How do I find time to write? What should I write about? Am I just wasting time?

If those questions sound familiar to you, rest assured you are not alone. Despite the myriad of ‘writing resources’ on and off the web, ever expanding number of ‘writing gurus’ and alike, they sound awfully familiar to me and many other writers. There is even a debate or confusion on when and if should one call oneself a writer.

Well, once we learn to transform our thoughts and emotions into words, and then write those words down, link them into sentences; we write. We create something that has not previously existed; a piece of writing, a sketch made of words, woven with our own yarns. Threads we pull from our experiences, our sorrows, and our joys.  Somewhere around the same time we also decide, either consciously or not, whether this weaving process moves us or not. Whether we reach for it first when winters of our lives became colder and shores move further away. Or when our summers are so bright we are bursting with sunshine. If we keep on returning, keep on weaving, we no longer ‘just write’, we become writers. For whatever it might or might not bring. From that moment on we become eager to learn how to keep our looms shiny and productive so we can weave the most exquisite textures on them. This is when we start searching for help.

We browse the web tirelessly, we talk to anybody who might be, however remotely, interested in writing, we try to accumulate as many resources as possible. We look for those who came before us and left signs. It does not take long for us to learn that there is no end to this search. Because just like in life; when all is said and done, when all visitors, well-wishers, and passers-by have left, we are sitting on the front porch with only our dreams next to us. Staring into down where words should have been. We no longer wish to write, we long to have written.

For those moments, and for all of us who are intimately acquainted with them, I have compiled the following list of books I turn to for help. Because they work for me every time; some make me laugh, some give me a courage or help me understand what is going on.  And I hope they will for you too.

As you know, I am a beginner myself, so I would never profess to know much … but I would venture to say that I know enough to realize how little I know. There is an old African proverb that compares the knowledge to a baobab tree; no man can embrace it on its own. So if you have any suggestions, or questions; let me know.

Useful books about writing:


‘Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life’, by Anne Lammott, (author of ‘Traveling Mercies’), this book is not only a fantastic book on writing, but also a book on art of living. No matter how empty the porch has been, this book always makes me feel alive after reading only few pages.

‘The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles’ by Steven Pressfield, the book that will resonate strongly with those struggling with doubt (and that is probably all of us). If you are sometimes, or even often, paralysed with fear, this is the book for you, (and me -:)! Because both fear and self-doubt are indicators. The bigger the fears and self-doubts, the more certain it is that we are on a right path. As long as we can move at least a little bit along the path, that is!

‘Finding Your Writer’s Voice: A Guide to Creative Fiction’, by Frank and Wall, this book helps you find your own writing voice. A unique, recognizable writing voice is what every writer wishes for. It is what distinguishes those who write from writers, and writers from authors;


‘Page by Page’ by Heather Sellers, the book that makes you feel less alone and shows you how and why you need to develop a special ‘talent of sitting in a room, all by yourself and getting used to that’ … there are times when we are all scared, lazy, nervous; those are the times we need to remember to stay in our chair!


‘On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft’, by Stephen King, if you have ever found yourself, (and who has not?) sitting in your room, committed to write those five hundred or thousand words a day, and after staring into the screen, or page, for some time asked yourself; Ok now what am I going to write about, this book is for you. Because the answer is; whatever you want!


It’s Okay !!!

It’s okay to give yourself a day off from, Whatever it is you need a day off FroM.. It’s okay to feel handsome, confident, and strong, Post a selfie while you’re at it.

But it’s also okay to feel weak, Don’t be so hard on yourself.

It’s okay to listen to a song over, and over, and over, And Over… (Suno Na Sangmurmur Ki Yeh Minarein, I am just in love with this song!)

It’s okay to skip a meal prepared at home & munch like Gluttons outside. But it’s perfectly okay to have it @ home..

It’s okay to not know what you’re doing with your life. Does anyone, really?

It’s okay to stay in on a Friday night, It’s okay to have a crazy Monday night out.

It’s okay to admit when you’re being ridiculous, and keep being ridiculous anyway.  But it’s also okay to be happy when you don’t feel like you should be.

It’s okay to change your mind, But it’s also okay to know exactly what you want.

It’s okay to like the movie better than the book. It’s okay to forgive an apology you’ll never receive.

It’s okay if you don’t care about Sports. Or Fashion Week. Or Politics.

It’s okay to give second chances. But it’s also okay to admit that maybe you shouldn’t have.

It’s okay to accept seemingly creepy compliments sometimes. Not everyone is out to get you.

It’s okay if you don’t drink 8 glasses of water a day, or eat 5 servings of vegetables a day.

It’s okay to post whatever tweet, status, selfie, throwback Thursday, or hashtag you want. Since when did everyone feel entitled to become Internet police?

It’s okay to be stubborn sometimes. But it’s also okay to just be soft. It’s okay to not always be okay. 😀

I’m back !!!!!

Ohk… It’s been really long since I last bored people by writing rubbish here at my blog !!   But friends…am back !!!

I am setting new records of blog absence with each passing day. This time I am back to writing a post after a few months. But the good news is, today after a long time I have been struck by lightening (probably of enlightenment) that I need to blog more often to reclaim the person I am used to be.

The long breaks from writing which I have been enjoying, have slyly stolen my ability to pour my heart in words, making regular writing all the more difficult.

Hmmm….Well yes.. The storm has passed (CA – Finals) and I have calmed down quite a bit from the tremendous bout of studying in past five months. My syllabus occupied mind has no room left for memory, hence ‘forgetful’ is now my middle name (atleast for the time being till I overcome this studying feeling)

Every test in our life makes us bitter or better. Every problem has within it the power to break us or make us. The choice is ours whether we become victim or victor. Life After Final CA – Sixteen exams, Six dozen books, Six years of extensive study and a rigorous life with tight article-ship schedule, work pressure and coaching leaving no spare time or personal space. Yet, the eyes gleam with the iridescent dreams of a shining future, the determination is strong, the zeal unfading. No matter how tough the going gets, the tough still get going. It all lies in our vision, for some, CA is possible but difficult, while for others, it is difficult but still possible.

*Okay enough* *Change the topic !!*

These last few days, I did feel happy after a long time, Chilled out with friends…My Rons and Hermiones .. CCD, Movies, Temptations, Cricket, ADDA session about random things…even pointless things !!

Few Unanswered Questions…   

This world is an illusion… A realm of fantasy… beyond the truth of existence… shrouded by the meaness of being… and a living testimony to Disbelief… Disdainful and aching…Life is but a desire cherished by the self…Destructive and obtrusively complicated… An intricate network of mendacity…Deceit…And lies…Detested yet desired when deprived of it…We beg for life…We implore for our very existence and hold it dear… Confusing emotions…veiled by reason… It’s all beyond me and my comprehensive abilities… It disturbs me…My mind is diverted from practicality and my heart begs me to ask the question…why?  Why do we go looking for complicacies when we could have never had to indulge in such fabrications and decietful impressions of the desire we call life? Why? Can we not let go of the illusions we hold dear?… Can we not lead a journey towards selflessness and comprehensiveness? Can we not be just to our being and desire nothing but the Truth?? Can we not…?? I’m still looking for the answers…

This Day, last year #1 year from last day @ NM

N.M. – These two letters have defined our lives for half a decade. We have always taken pride in calling ourselves ‘NMites’, and as we say this again, we are overwhelmed every time we think about its glorious history. NM is a not only a great institution, but now after decades, is a legend. The college has built itself over the years and nurtured all of us in the process. It has added value to our lives and no one who has ever studied here can ever forget its contribution.

Time flies away so fast. I still cannot believe that its been a year since I last sat on those benches having fun with crazy friends, joking, whistling, preparing year book, demanding free lectures, making vijayshree maam sing, giving proxies in Harish Sir’s lectures, yelling ‘yes’ ‘yes’ instead of ‘s’ in vijyam maam’s lectures, answering Neal whether Goti looks like Chitra maam or not, watching Harshal’s new artwork and advising him that you are into a wrong profession, photocopying assignments, answering mobiles in library just to accomplish a miniscule bet of five-star!!!  Insanity at its best is what comes to my mind…

That I haven’t eaten in canteen for more than a year is mouth-watering me at the moment to catch a perfect 6 18 train from the station, and reach college 5 mins past 7 and even after shelling 15 bucks and not wasting a second haggling for the change with the rickshaw guy end up chit-chatting in the canteen munching the Idli and special chai. Good Old Days, I must say !!

All of it seems to be a thing of just yesterday. Thanks to the photographs, watsaap groups & fb chats, I can still re-live those days and cherish those beautiful memories. Yes one year has passed and life has moved on !!!! But some-tym in future perhaps on a lazy Sunday, when I re-read this one I will re-edit this blog sharing other wonderful experiences which I haven’t recollected today thus making this post bigger and worth reading again and again and again…

Till then wishing everyone luck for the CA-FINAL’S. Hope the hard-work brings Glory to all of us.

College ke din – Neal & Chiru

Mujhko kyu lagta hai, ki yaaro, kal hi hue the shuru college ke din,

Aajtak ye hai mujhe bhi,
yaad ki, is hi jagah pe,
line mein hum sab yu khade the, to know if we are out or in.

Umang ka halka nasha tha,
masti ka gehra sama,
woh haseen yaadein lamhay hai mere college ke din.

Kya kahi hota hai aisa taana baana gaana shaana

Mujhko kyu lagta hai, ki yaaro, kal hi hue the shuru college ke din

Professors ki baatein
Mavshi ki daatein
Umang mein bitayi woh bechain raatein
Canteen ka teekha samosa
Dosto ka hum par proxy ka bharosa
Library ki meethi chuppi
Girlfriend se mili pehli pappi

There ain’t no place like N.M. isko hum sab ne hai jaanaaaaa

Mujhko kyu lagta hai ki yaaron kal hi hue the shuru college ke din

Late ho jaane par canteen me rukna
Baatoon me next lecture bunk karna
College days pe dress up ho ke aana
Rose day pe every year chance lena

N.M.- I love you,
More than the girl to whom I gave the rose,
Five years is what we’ve waited to say that
We love youuuuuuuuu!!!!!

Mujhko ab hai yakeen ki yaaroo kal hi hue the shuru college ke din
I don’t know dar sa mujhe kyu lagta hai, kaise kategi ye humari zindagi ab N.M. College ke bin

Kya kahi hota hai aisa taana maana gaana shaana
Mujhko ab hai yakeen ki yaaroo kal hi hue the shuru college ke din

*Don’t miss the snaps*

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A Day Freezed In Time – Thank-You for the Birthday Wishes !!!

I know my birthday was few days ago, but the day after my birthday, my internet decided to die and so did my thoughts as I couldn’t think of how to express my gratitude, so I kept myself apart from internet until yesterday. So, since I couldn’t write anything by then, I’m doing this now !!


How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it ! ~ George Elliston #true that !!

Special moments in life are made even more memorable with the warm birthday wishes of friends, family and colleagues. Birthdays hold a special prominence in our lives as we multiply our joy with all those who remembered our birthday and brought a smile to our face with their wishes.

Thank you to everyone who has made my day extra special with your wonderful birthday wishes and goodies. I would like to thank each and everyone of you individually but I have received such an outpouring of generosity and love from you all that it would take me a long time to personally thank everyone. I do not want any of you to wait for knowing how much I appreciate your kind thoughts and friendship so I hope you will accept this blog as my Thank You note until I can get to each one of you.
I was touched that so many of you took time out of your schedule to send me best wishes.

Every year my birthday gets me thinking about the past year of life, what I’ve accomplished, and what I want the next year to be like. It’s a time for a lot of reflection and celebration. This year I’m incredibly grateful for everything I’ve experienced. It’s been a tremendous year of growth for me.

Coming back to the 21st B’Day, it was indeed special !!! Office Colleagues who always haggle with me for party for some obvious reasons couldn’t have done it more. Mouthwatering – Cake & a New Transformation From Mr. Chaddu (in iskool days) to Mr. Chalu (in internship days) they gave me a perfect Aideu for my b’day as well as study leave for my Finals by caking me all over the face.



On my big day, I Took Blessings of Parents, Visited Temple, Enjoyed delicacies prepared by my sweet mother, Read my favourite Collections and Treasuries of Childhood & Old Days, Wonderful Outing with Friends, Pandu wishing me b’day for not carrying P.U.C., & blah-blah-blah..

Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life,
Thank you for all the people who remembered me today, 
by sending watsapps, and messages, mails and FB wishes.
Thank you for all the experience of this past year;
For times of success which will always be happy memories,
For times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness & of my need for you,
For times of joy when the sun was shining,
For times of sadness which drove me to you.
Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet,
and through it to bring good credit to myself,
happiness and pride to my loved ones,
and joy to you.





ADLABS IMAGICA !!! :) :) :)



Continuing from the last post, October turned out to be the most wonderful and fun-filling month, probably the best month I could have had before gearing up for the CA-Final. At the outset it was Saturday, 19 October 2013 and along with awesome office colleagues we tripped to Adlabs Imagica. The most happening Amusement cum Entertainment Theme Park at present for Mumbaikars.

It was indeed a hot sunny day – the fact which we realized after a cosy air-conditioned drive (Thanks to Divyam’s Car) of 80 odd kilometres from the city (:P incase if you plan to visit then you know what to carry) and the first ride we took was Nitro. It was an OMG moment!! At first I was fearful but yet the thrill to sit in the roller-coaster made me stand for 40 minutes in the queue. Believe me the ride gave a perfect start to the hefty entry fee that we had to pay. It was paisa vasul moment. I had never experienced so much thrill before ever in my life. It was a combination of so many emotions at the same time – #scared, #fear, #scream, #goose bums in the stomach, #happy to accomplish the ride, #unable to speak for a minute, ahaahahaa it was too good. It made me feel “lol” – all other rides are now manageable. If you could sit in Nitro you can go for any other ride.

But to my surprise the very next ride that we took – Scream, was even more thrilling. A combination of what I call “Enterprise & Thunder” in case you have ever visited Essel-World you would know what I am ranting about. Thinking it to be nothing in comparison to Nitro, I barged on the seat and – and – and .. The next 2 minutes of my life are inexpressible!! #thrill at its best #holding Anuj’s hand (without knowing it that I am holding it at first) #flying in the air #beautiful imagica from bird’s eye view #screaming mummy-mummy 😀 Hahaha it was a fabulous moment. *Mazza aa Gaya*

Then the Vintage car – Salimgarh –  Mr. India – Alibaba aur challis chor – Wrath of gods – Rajasaurus river adventure – Mambo chai – I for India – D2 Dare Drop etc etc etc we covered them all all one by one, each ride having its own relevance and uniqueness. In short I call it  a day well spent, A day truly enjoyed and lived for my own-self in last couple of months.

I sincerely recommend you to visit the place whenever you get time. You will love me for sharing my views and planting a thought into your mind to visit, once you return home from the park. Wishing you all a Very Happy and Joyous Diwali and a Prosperous New Year ahead.



What a day..!! I must say 8th October 2013 was one of the most hectic, exciting and eventful days of my Article-ship life.. Confused?? Ohh yes let me explain that one. Well it had one of the worst mornings to begin with just like many other days of my 2 years internship training. Having stuck for 3 hours in traffic, (Thanks to the Dindoshi Flyover saga & Pathetic maintainence and repairing work of BMC & MMRDA in particular) I managed to reach Marathon Max !! Swiftly took the files and left for Neptune (Another client located in Vikhroli). Had lunch, finished the pending work and back again to LBP @ 3 p.m.

Quel Embouteillage !!!
Mon Dieu!! Quel Embouteillage !!!

And then the final countdown for the party began. As each minute passed by the feeling of terrific evening was setting in slowly but steadily and one could easily make that out from the faces of Haribhakti-ites present at the office. Everyone collecting their food coupons, showing their blings & hats, enquiring for valet parking, the mood was setting in. It was for the first time I was going to attend the Annual Day Party of Haribhakti & Co. which is also the Birthday of our beloved founder Sir V. B. Haribhakti, so I didn’t want to miss even a bit. [I am so sad to miss out on earlier two annual days]

Dressing up for the evening, I drove to ITC and we reached the venue @ 7 p.m. sharp. The ambience was mind blowing. I was stunned when I saw the entire hotel. It was so beautifully lit. * Dil Khush Ho Gaya !! *

Everyone was elegantly dressed and words won’t be able to do proper justice for this, so enjoy the snaps at the end of the blog. The event began at 7:15 and V. B. Sir,  S.V.H Sir &  D.D Sir shared few words of wisdom on the dias, describing the journey of the company and road map for future. The whole atmosphere was jolly. But main attraction of the evening were the performances. All divisions of the company viz. AAS, RAS, TAS, CFAS etc were allotted a 15 minute time frame each and were all set to rock the stage. AAS – the division to which I belong, (feeling so proud that I am in AAS, even though I didn’t share the stage :p) was completely an out-performer amongst others who also were also not much behind. Kudos to all my colleagues and seniors who performed so well. Your performances will remain etched in memories for a long long time.

Also there was award distributions to the young turks of the firm, a policy or rather custom of the organisation, to recognize the most talented bunch of employees & article-trainees for their good and extra-ordinary job in the year that passed by and motivation factor for others to buck up and become achievers on the next annual day. Congratulations to all who received the awards. You all deserved it. Keep up the good work !!!

Then there was Cake Cutting, Gupshup, Hi-Hellos, Dinner, Photo-Shotos followed by Hard-core disco party. We danced and danced and danced. Ohh it was so much fun!! I still don’t recollect how the 3 hours passed. The Clock Struck 12:00 in just no time.  I then along with few other colleagues, dropping each one of them one by one, left the hotel. Driving @ 100 kmph, I reached home in just 15 minutes. A perfect end to one of the most horrible start in the morning !!

And before I forget, a big thank you to Haribhakti & Co./ DHC & Co. for organizing such a lovely soirée for all of us.


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Office Updates !!!

*phew* Okay SEPTEMBER has ended & all my Workaholic Friends and Colleagues are chilling and relaxing, some already bargaining for the CA-Final Leaves. Yes September END means a lot !! 🙂  You might be wondering how this is relevant to the title of the blog. Well to justify the title and come straight to the point, here I go..

A proud moment
MR. Shailesh Haribhakti – Chairman DHC & Co. & Me

— Photo Credits : Shriti Singh

Mr. Shailesh Haribhakti, Chairman of My Firm, had an hour long interactive session with us for the first time in my stint of being at Haribhakti & Co. as an Article trainee.. What personality !! What oratory !! Too good !! Respect with ###

From Current affairs in India to International happenings in the world and from recent Domestic and International scams like NSEL, LIBOR, London Whale etc to the New-arenas for Chartered Accountants, Emerging Roles in the Industry, Sir covered it all.

To summarize and give you the gist of discussion following is what I liked and found worth in the entire session :

  1. Be updated with the International affairs and keep technology on tips
  2. Forensic Audit – a key emerging area for Chartered Accountants in future.
  3. Re-inventing the Image of Chartered Accountants in the country.
  4. Chartered Accountants will have work until each and every person becomes honest and continues to remain honest forever.
  5. Be modest and open minded and accept everyone’s views on a topic.

Yes the one hour session was enriching, enlightening and motivating. It always feels good when you talk and interact with him. But all said and done, the big lesson to be learnt was however high you may reach in your career always take out time for your subordinates. The ones who are below you. It gives them the much needed morale, motivation, boost, strength, feeling of being part of the organisation, whatever you may call – It’s just amazing.

Time is flying. October has started. I have started feeling the October heat already with tremendous backlog of studies and each passing day reminding me of loads of stuff to complete and start studying for the Finals. Eh.. Are you feeling the same? Go and watch-out “Besharam” like I did or else hum “All is Well, All is Well”

Sleepless Nights !!!

Taking you from my last post, September has been sort of very uncommon this time rather dreadful, I must say, and before anyone of you concludes that I am cribbing due to slogging a lot in office or studying for the CA Final, I must clarify and remove all your doubts. No, the office is going reasonably good if not the best and studying seems to have become a thing of distant past.

Yet I had been insomniac for last few days and my restlessness and anxiety increased as Twelfth September came nearer. All weird sorts of thoughts intoxicating my head on one end & on the other end the heart pacifying that its a very common operation, Science and in particular Medicine has come a far way, All is gonna be well very soon. Yes being the eldest son makes you to feel that way!!! You realize how strong you are when there is no other option but to be strong. So ever since Dr. Vadher (ENT specialist) told that my dad was suffering from Pan-Sinusitis and surgery was the only remedy, I was all devastated from within yet not showing up anything on my face, knowing very well the consequences on other family members. Being from commerce background I was always scared of blood, operations, surgeries etc. Knowing that it was now inevitable my first reaction was is this a serious operation? What are the precautions? How safe it is? Blah blah blah!! And after having many assurances from the doctor I felt a bit comfortable.

Surfing the Internet, Reading other’s experience and knowing how to deal with each and every complexity that could potentially arise, what to do in case of any emergency etc etc etc,  I wanted to have no stone left unturned, no doubt unanswered, no known situation uncovered.. Thoughts of nostrils being blocked for few days and having to breathe from mouth and remaining completly silent made the atmosphere eerie. It created a huge impact on me. It was an eye opener. It was first time I realized that its such a big responsibility to be “Man of the House”. To add to my woes an idiot bugger rammed into my car and fled away. It wasn’t a big blow. You can imagine, the bill came to some 17 odd hundreds but accident is an accident. I was panic stricken as things were going against me and were beyond my control. I knew the repercussions it would have had so I kept it to my own-self till the time was right. Lying that I gave the car for free service, I somehow managed to get away with it. WHY do all problems come all at the same time. Why can’t they come one by one! No, I can’t bear this anymore now…

The operation was successful and my father was discharged same day in the evening. *sigh* I settled the hospital dues, got prescribed drugs from the chemist, parked the car and went back home as quickly as I could. Soon relieved from all the tension and I completed my office work from home in no time.

Life is really very short. It can change upside down in no time. I realized who my true friends were at the time of this adversity. I am very glad to have few silly-billy’s who care so much for me and who make out each and everything from my face. They stood firmly through thick and thin. I am very thankful to them. But these few days were most horrendous days of my life. I won’t be able to forget them for a long time..

So be ready for one of the best upcoming blogs ahead for they say  “Like a rainbow after the rain, there is always a good thing after the pain.”

Finally BJP has declared NaMo as its official Top Honcho for the upcoming elections.. Lots of expectations from him!! Before I forget, Paryushan Maha-Parv has just been over so seeking Michammi Dukhadam to all my friends, colleagues, relatives & others who are reading this and Wishing You all Happy Ganeshotsav !!

My Crackpot Friends

An elderly woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had   been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to   your house.” The old woman smiled, “Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side?”

“That’s because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them.” “For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.”

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it’s the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You’ve just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them. SO, to all of my crackpot   friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of  the path !!!

What Keeps me going


         Believe in your-self !!!

Life is what you make it

Atleast that’s what they say

Well I think i’m going to make it

Fulfill my dreams one day

They say i’ll never make it

they say that there’s no way

But I know that i’ll make it

If these are the words I say

I’m a believer

I know the feeling is strong

And it starts tonight

Yes i’m an achiever

I know that if I believe

I’ll do what’s right

They say I don’t belong here

They say I think to0 big

but somehow I won’t believe it

Cause I know that i’ll win

If I believe in me

The I know that I can be

The person that i’ve dreamed of

For all eternity

           – A Staunch Believer